All Albertans should prepare for a possible scenario where they may be unable to make their own medical decisions, especially if they are older or have chronic or serious illness.
If you became seriously ill, would your family, caregivers and healthcare providers know how you would want to be cared for? Who would speak for you if you were too sick to speak for yourself?
Learn more about advance care planning.
A way to help you think about, talk about and document wishes for health care in the event that you become incapable of consenting to or refusing treatment or other care.
You may never need your advance care plan - but if you do, you’ll be glad that it’s there and that you have had these conversations, to make sure that your voice is heard when you cannot speak for yourself.
A medical order used to describe and communicate the general aim or focus of care including the preferred location of that care.
Although advance care planning conversations don't always result in determining goal of care designation, they make sure your voice is heard when you cannot speak for yourself.
Looking for a course to explain advance care planning, Personal Directives, and goals of care?
Focuses on medical tests and interventions to cure or manage a person’s illness, but does not use resuscitative or life support measures.
Focuses on providing comfort for people with life-limiting illness when medical treatment is no longer an option.
Focuses on prolonging or preserving life using medical or surgical interventions, including, if needed, resuscitation and intensive care.