Frequently Asked Questions 

Frequently Asked Questions about LR3

Can I view my personal list at another site?

Yes! As long as you have access to SCM, you can see your personal follow-up list.

I’m also a physician in an ambulatory clinic. Will I be able to see/manage my personal list while signed in under Ambulatory SCM?

Yes! SCM Inpatient, SCM Ambulatory and SEC are all running off the SCM platform, so your personal lists will be visible to you no matter which system you’re singed into.

Are there any recommended practices when using Annotation Manager?

Without being too proscriptive about how you or your team uses Annotation Manager, there are some recommended practices.


  • Annotate before discharge to communicate follow-up actions post-discharge. Provide information on intended care plan and what to do when the result (positive or negative) is received.
  • Provide enough detailed information to let others know if definitive action was taken or if further steps are needed.
  • Include directions such as “Call family,” “Fax to Dr. X,” “If negative, no action,” etc. Also include relevant information such as “Team following up,” “Patient has follow-up in X clinic in X months.”


  • Use annotations to communicate actions during the inpatient stay.
  • Include any new orders in an annotation.