Opioid Use Disorder - Telephone Consultation


The Opioid Use Disorder Consultation Service is a province-wide telephone and e-Consult service for physicians and nurse practitioners seeking advice regarding the prescribing of opioid agonist therapy (OAT) such as buprenorphine/ naloxone and methadoneor information on Narcotic Transition Services when treating individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD).

This service for physicians and Nurse Practitioners will allow more patients with opioid dependence to be treated in primary care, emergency, and inpatient settings.

Who Can Use this Service

Practitioners managing persons with opioid use disorder, including primary care practitioners, Nurse Practitioners (NPs), ED physicians and inpatients where there are no in-house supports for OUD management now have access to expert consultation with an opioid use disorder physician specialist over the phone.

This telephone consult service is for primary care physicians and prescribers seeking advice regarding:

  • Initiating and managing opioid agonist therapy
  • Prescribing drugs like buprenorphine/naloxone, methadone or naloxone
  • Treating patients with existing opioid use disorder
  • Managing opioid withdrawal and consideration of opioid agonist therapy
  • Information on Narcotic Transition Services

This consult service will not provide advice on pain management using opioids or alternatives.

Primary care providers wanting to consult a pain management specialist may benefit from resources listed by the Calgary Pain Management Centre.

Opioid dependence is a growing clinical and public health problem throughout Canada, including our province.

This new service for physicians and NPs will allow more patients with opioid dependence to be treated in primary care settings.

Service Hours

  • From 8 am - 8 pm daily, including weekends and statutory holidays


If you are calling NORTH of Red Deer you can access the service by calling RAAPID North at 1-800-282-9911 or 1-780-735-0811.

If you are calling SOUTH of Red Deer you can call RAAPID South at 1-800-661-1700 or 403-944-4488.

To find out more about opioid addiction or opioid maintenance treatment, call the Opioid Dependency Program nearest you. Alberta Health Services’ Opioid Dependency Program (ODP) clinics are available in Edmonton, Calgary, Fort McMurray, Cardston, Grande Prairie, High Prairie, and through the Rural ODP clinic which serves patients from 60 central Alberta communities.

eReferral Advice Request

An eReferral advice request is a secure and efficient process within Alberta Netcare for physician to physician advice. The Addiction, Medicine & Mental Health – Opioid Agonist Therapy joined eReferral in February 2018.

Send an advice request when you have a non-urgent question where you are seeking guidance with the management of a patient’s opioid use disorder or are wondering if a referral is appropriate. The response target is 5 calendar days.

For further information please visit albertanetcare.ca/ereferral.htm.