The Alberta Pediatric Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Prevention Program is a collaborative effort of the Northern and Southern Alberta RSV Prevention Programs to identify and coordinate RSV immunoprophylaxis for eligible infants and children residing in Alberta. Use this map to determine which program applies to you.
These programs are responsible for:
- Evaluating an infant or child’s eligibility to receive RSV immunoprophylaxis based on agreed upon criteria by the program directors in collaboration with invested parties.
- Notifying the referral source of the infant or child’s eligibility or non-eligibility.
- Coordinating shipment of Palivizumab to regional points of care i.e. hospitals, community health centers.
- Connecting families to points of care where immunoprophylaxis is administered.
RSV Season Commencement
- Commencement of RSV immunoprophylaxis for each region will be determined by the program director based on local epidemiology.
- The “active” RSV season in Alberta typically commences in November or December and continues through to April. Seasonal variations may occur.
Identification Process
Referral Process
- The referral process is initiated by completion of the RSV Risk Assessment Form.
- Submit the Risk Assessment Form to either the Northern or Southern Alberta RSV Prevention Program based on child’s place of residence.
- Northern Program includes Red Deer and northern Alberta to provincial borders.
- Southern Program includes south of Red Deer to the provincial borders
- The RSV Prevention Program for the region will complete evaluation of the child’s risk assessment. Only the Alberta Pediatric RSV Prevention Program can approve a patient for RSV immunoprophylaxis.
- Confirmation of the child’s eligibility or non-eligibility will be documented by receipt of a “Notification of Risk Assessment Form” to the referral source.
- Reconsideration of non-eligibility requires submission of supporting health history to one of the regional RSV Prevention Programs for program director review.
- Overview of referral process