These tools have been developed to provide a concise overview of the work that the ERA stakeholders have done and are currently doing to increase accessibility to endovascular therapy (EVT) provincially.
This includes information, workflows, pathways, and other resources that can be used to inform your teams of the changes that may occur within existing policies and procedures. The contents are robust and your teams may or may not need every item—individual needs vary.
We welcome feedback and suggestions on the information provided. Additionally, any questions or concerns can be directed to the Cardiovascular Health and Stroke Strategic Clinical NetworkTM at:
A list of abbreviations, used in the following documents, can be found at the bottom of the page.
CSC – Comprehensive Stroke Centre
DTN – Door-to-Needle
ELC – Emergency Link Centre
EMS – Emergency Medical Services
ERA – Endovascular Reperfusion Alberta Project
EVT – Endovascular Therapy/Treatment
LAMS – Los Angeles Motor Scale
MFR – Medical First Responde
OLMC – Online Medical Control
PSC – Primary Stroke Centre
QuICR – Quality Improvement & Clinical Research
Alberta Stroke Program
RAAPID – Referral, Access, Advice, Placement, Information & Destination
STARS – Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service