Students & Trainees

Primary Health Care Integration Network

TUTOR-PHC  | Health System Impact Fellowship | CHS Internship | Practicums


Current Opportunities

The PHCIN Scientific Office provides students, clinicians and decision makers opportunities to acquire practical knowledge and experience through a range of collaborative research activities.


The Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research – Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC) is a one-year, pan-Canadian, capacity-building research program offered to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, mid-career clinicians, and decision-makers annually since 2003. TUTOR-PHC fosters interdisciplinary skill, expertise, and confidence needed to tackle complex, real world problems.


Health System Impact Fellowship

Each year, the PHCIN Scientific Office participates in the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Health System Impact Fellowship to provide a highly qualified doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow studying health services and policy research the opportunity to work with AHS to address health care challenges in Alberta. This opportunity allows trainees to apply their research and analytic talents outside of the traditional scholarly setting and develop professional experience, skills, and networks.


CHS Internship

The Community Health Sciences (CHS) internship provides graduate students from the University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine an opportunity to partner with the Scientific Office research team as they complete research activities related to priority initiatives.


The Scientific Office collaborates with the University of Calgary Community Health Sciences and the University of Alberta Masters of Public Health programs to supervise students through practicum opportunities. Students (typically in the second year of their programs) work with primary health care teams on “real-world” challenges relevant to public health.