South Health Campus
Bring your Alberta Health Care and Health Insurance cards (i.e. Blue Cross Card) to the appointment.
There may be some charges associated with your antibiotics and supplies that you will need at home. If you need assistance with this, please let a member of the HPTP team know.
The HPTP clinic is located on the 7th floor, outpatient tower elevators (across from Good Earth Cafe), and then follow signs for clinic 7E.
Be advised that your appointment will take a minimum of two hours. Do not book an appointment or make plans immediately following your HPTP appointment. Feel free to bring something that will pass the time.
Due to unexpected patient care needs/unforeseen circumstances the clinic may on occasion run behind schedule. Be patient with us and we will get you as soon as possible.
No medications will be given until you are seen by Infectious Diseases Physician.