While the lessons below were designed to be taught as a series, they can also be taught separately.
These lesson plans include six 45-minute lessons designed to provide students with accurate, relevant information about substance use and gambling, and to support students to make healthy choices.
Lesson 1: Challenge the Influences
Lesson 2: Decision Making: WHOA!
Lesson 3: Protecting Ourselves From Risk
Lesson 4: Stress Management
Lesson 5: Substance Use and Gambling Information
Lesson 6: Understanding Influences
These lesson plans include ten 45-minute lessons that cover topics related to preventing substance use and gambling problems. The lessons help students focus on improving and practicing healthy behaviour, and explore personal goals and role models, benefits of healthy choices, the role of peer influence, and self-esteem.
Lesson 1: Healthy Relationships
Lesson 2: Media Influences
Lesson 3: Peer Influence
Lesson 4: Stress Management
Lesson 5: Substance and Gambling Information
Lesson 6: Weighing Risks to Make Decisions
Lesson 7: Who I Am
Lesson 8: About Gambling
Lesson 9: Learn More About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Lesson 10: Tobacco Talk
These lesson plans include eight lessons designed to provide educators with factual information to help engage students in talking about substance use and gambling, and support students to make informed and healthy choices.
Lesson 1: The Process of Addiction
Lesson 2: Substance Use and Gambling: Pros and Cons
Lesson 3: Resiliency
Lesson 4: What is a Drug?
Lesson 5: About Alcohol
Lesson 6: About Gambling
Lesson 7: Impaired Driving
Lesson 8: Clarity on Cannabis
As a teacher, you connect with your students and also their parents. While teaching the lessons above, you may wish to use these brief information sheets to involve parents in the information you are discussing in the classroom.
These sheets will support you in talking to parents about how they can help their children develop strong life skills and make healthy choices. Feel free to send them home with your students, link to them on your website, or have them available during parent-teacher interviews.