Surveillance & Reporting develops and provides analysis and evidence to drive improvements in Cancer Care Alberta (CCA) that will reduce the burden of cancer in Albertans.
This work includes:
Report on Cancer Statistics in Alberta
This report provides in-depth statistical information on cancer in Alberta, highlighting cancer prevalence, incidence, mortality, projections, treatment and survival for all cancers combined, top cancers and childhood cancers. These reports can be found here.
Alberta Health
Cancer incidence and mortality data are available through the Interactive Health Data Application maintained by Alberta Health. This is an interactive tool enabling incidence and mortality to be obtained by age group, zone of residence and gender for the top cancers from 1993 to most current. Cancer information can be found under Chronic Disease at this link.
Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
Surveillance & Reporting submits analysis on behalf of Cancer Care Alberta for interprovincial comparisons. The annual System Performance report and special topic reports can be found here.
Canadian Cancer Registry
Data from the Alberta Cancer Registry is submitted and collated nationally in the Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR). In 1992, the Canadian Cancer Registry was emerged from the National Cancer Incidence Reporting System established in 1969. It is collaboration between the 13 Canadian provincial and territorial cancer registries and the Health Statistics Division of Statistics Canada, where the data are maintained. A description of the data and reports can be found here.
Access to the Canadian Cancer Registry is through Research Data Centers at the University of Alberta and University of Calgary.
Canadian Cancer Society
The Canadian Cancer Society publishes the Canadian Cancer Statistics annually. It is developed through collaboration between the Canadian Cancer Society, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Statistics Canada and provincial and territorial cancer registries with input from the Canadian Cancer Statistics Advisory Committee. The report includes Canadian and provincial data on incidence, mortality and other statistics along with a special topic.
Cancer In North America
North American wide comparisons of incidence and mortality are collated by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.
Other information dissemination
Aside from the aforementioned reports, requests for information can be made by emailing
For more information, please contact: