Q: Why do we need Connect Care?
A: Connect Care is putting the focus on the patient by:
Connect Care is leading to improved patient care, patient safety and better health outcomes by:
Connect Care makes us more efficient by:
Q: When will Connect Care be available?
A: Connect Care is being introduced at all AHS programs and facilities, as well as at many of our partners. This is happening in phases between 2019 and 2024.
The first eight launches of Connect Care have been implemented, meaning sites and programs in all health zones, including all hospitals, Cancer Care, Kidney Care, Acute Care, Public Health, Home Care, Addiction and Mental Health services are live. The ninth and final launch is scheduled for November 6, 2024.
Q: Where will Connect Care be available?
A: Once Connect Care is fully in place, it will be used everywhere AHS and our partners provides healthcare services and where we partner to provide healthcare services using the AHS record of care. This includes:
Q: Will my family doctor be able to see my information?
A: Community providers are a huge part of any person's care team. At this time, community providers will continue to receive their patient's Lab and DI results through Netcare.
The Connect Care Provider Portal is available to a limited group of physicians for evaluation. As Connect Care progresses, access to the Provider Portal will be expanded to other groups.
Q: What is MyAHS Connect?
A: MyAHS Connect is a secure, online tool that lets you see some of your Alberta Health Services’ (AHS) health information. MyAHS Connect lets you:
Q: How do I get access to MyAHS Connect?
A: To sign up for MyAHS Connect, you need:
Q: Will my health information be secure?
A: In order to access Connect Care, all AHS staff, physicians, midwives, students, residents, volunteers and contractors must complete a required privacy and information security training course and this training must be renewed at least every three years.
AHS has also put a “Smart Auditing tool” in place with the first launch of Connect Care in fall 2019. This tool uses artificial intelligence to flag when information is accessed in ways that appear to be inappropriate. All access to any type of information will be recorded electronically and can be audited. Patients will also have the opportunity to learn who has looked at their record.
There are many specific situations where particularly confidential information is shared with care providers, but patients do not want the information to be broadly accessible. In these circumstances, Connect Care will have the ability to “mask” or restrict who can view specific information.
By reducing the number of clinical information systems we use, we reduce the number of security risks we are exposed to, allowing us to focus our security initiatives on fewer systems. All patient information will be stored in Alberta.
AHS is committed to protecting your privacy and keeping your health information safe - it’s the right thing to do, and it’s the law. Everything we do at AHS complies with the provincial Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Health Information Act.
Q: Will Connect Care save us money?
A: Yes. Connect Care is an investment in the health of Albertans. We expect to see a return on this investment in both health outcomes and dollars.
This includes anticipated savings in areas like:
These savings can be reinvested in our hospitals and clinics.