In early 2023, AHS administered a survey to clinicians, staff and prescribers using Connect Care to evaluate their satisfaction with use of the system. The survey was conducted in partnership with the Arch Collaborative, a global organization that has surveyed satisfaction of more than 400,000 clinicians using clinical information systems across hundreds of organizations worldwide.
At AHS, more than 6,000 clinicians (physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers) from Connect Care Launches 1 through 5 participated in the survey. The results are benchmarked against Arch Collaborative data so AHS can see, in a global context, where Connect Care is succeeding, and where it needs to improve.
Globally, Arch Collaborative data show that in the early period after system implementation, user satisfaction tends to be lower and that this improves over time. Even given this context, what is clear from the survey is that in the midst of rapidly implementing Connect Care across the province, AHS have not been able to allocate sufficient resources to optimize the system and enhance ongoing education and support. AHS is taking these results seriously, and is formulating an action plan to improve Connect Care for enhanced clinical efficiency, user satisfaction and patient outcomes. AHS will also administer repeat user surveys over time, to track progress in making these improvements.
More information about the results and action plan: