The Healthcare Improvement Team (HIT) provides support for Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital (GRH) teams interested in improving the quality of healthcare at GRH. HIT can provide guidance in conducting clinical research, quality improvement initiatives, and evaluation. We also support teams who want to implement best practice guidelines and research.
We have extensive expertise and skills in:
- Developing clinical research questions and proposals
- Writing grant proposals
- Coaching and advisory skills
- Leading and engaging in clinical research
- Program evaluation
- Measurement, database development
- Sharing and use of best practice
- Outcome evaluation and reporting
- Quality improvement
Some initiatives we have supported;
- Feeding and swallowing clinical documentation optimization
- Increased patient access: Developing target inpatient length of stay
- Virtual health evaluation to improve the delivery of virtual health during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Development of a process for involving patient advisors at the GRH
- Survey development
- Environmental scan of the future of rehabilitation
Contact Us
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