AHS Access Improvement is a team dedicated to improving physician communication and patient access to services. We engage with physicians, specialists and patient advisors from the University of Calgary, the University of Alberta, Primary Care Networks and the community to help achieve better health outcomes for Albertans. Our vision is to improve our province’s referral and consultation processes so patients can see the right doctors for the right services at the right time.
For more information about Access Improvement, view our programs below, or email access.ereferral@ahs.ca.
Physicians and clinical support staff can create, submit, track and manage referrals online through Alberta Netcare.
QuRE is a collaborative initiative to improve communications between healthcare professionals and patients. Through our evidence-informed resources, we’re helping future and practicing physicians learn the skills needed to provide quality referrals and consultations.
We bring working groups together to develop guidelines that help healthcare professionals know what is required when making a specialist referral.
Find resources such as newsletter archives, articles and other learning materials.
For general questions please email access.ereferral@ahs.ca.