Information Management & Research

Alberta Perinatal Health Program

Data Management

There are three key program activities identified for the Information Management and Research Team within the APHP:

  • Collection and validation of provincial perinatal data to support the mandates of the APHP
  • Analysis and interpretation of data to provide information to AHS, health zones and those providing perinatal services
  • Support perinatal research

Data Requests

All data requests must include a completed Research/Non-Research Data Request Form (Form # 20964)

Aggregate Data Requests

Individuals representing AHS or other stakeholders with an interest in perinatal care can make a request for aggregate information or data from the APHP. All requests will be reviewed to ensure that the requester's question is fully understood, that the data are available, that the request is appropriate and complies with data privacy and confidentiality policies of AHS and APHP. Requests are processed in the order in which they are received unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Requests for aggregate data should be emailed to

Research Data Requests

Any facility or individual interested in perinatal health may request data from the APHP data repository to support Health Research Ethics Board (HREB) approved projects. Before approval is granted, the Maternal Newborn Child & Youth (MNCY) Strategic Clinical NetworkTM (SCN) Perinatal Data Management and Research Standing Committee will evaluate requests according to security and confidentiality of data, scientific merit, public interest and value, and workload commitments in relationship to the time lines of the data request. Requests from a member of the public to view their own record(s) will be dealt with according to the Health Information Act (HIA) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) legislation.

Requests for research related data should be emailed to

The AHS Health System Access Department may also be a valuable resource for researchers seeking information that is unavailable through the APHP.

Note the following points when requesting research related data:

  • Identifiable client data will not be disclosed
  • A fee to perform the request may be implemented on a cost recovery basis. A written quote of the estimated cost to complete the request is given at the time that approval of the request is granted
  • Data requests may be denied
  • In any publication or presentation, the users of the data shall acknowledge the APHP and its data sources
  • APHP will reserve the right to request a delay of the publication, the request for delay and rationale will be identified at the time of approval of the request
  • APHP complies with the HIA Act, AHS policies and other related health legislation


APHP produces a provincial report based on population and site specific methodology. Contact the information management team at to learn more about provincial reporting.