Community Treatment Orders

Mental Health Act

A community treatment order (CTO) is a tool to help patients comply with treatment while in the community. Its purpose is to break the cycle of involuntary hospitalization, decompensation, and re-hospitalization. The Mental Health Act sets out the criteria under which a CTO can be written.

The following information and links will assist with the issuance of a CTO.

CTO Information

Patient Rights

Qualified Health Professionals

A CTO usually originates from psychiatric units in designated facilities across the province. Depending on where the person lives, they may be admitted to a psychiatric facility far away from their home community. In these cases, the person requires a Qualified Health Professional (QHP) who will take on the role of supervising a CTO in their home community after they are discharged from the hospital.

QHPs are registered under section 33(1)(a) of the Health Professions Act as a member of a health profession as defined in that act. At this time, a QHP is a psychiatrist, physician, or nurse practitioner.

For more information about the role of a QHP for CTOs, see Community Treatment Order: Qualified Health Professional.

Review Panel Hearings

Review panels ensure patients’ rights are upheld under the Mental Health Act and CTOs. Learn more about who can request a hearing and why, view Review Panel Hearing.