It left me with a good feeling being able to respect this palliative patient’s wishes to be left at home and yet still be able to provide some care to keep her comfortable in her time of need. The process for us was seamless. The RN was already on scene to inform us of the situation as well as give us a more detailed history of the patient’s condition. One of the patient’s family members was there and she seemed at ease with the whole situation and truly grateful. For myself, I felt connected to the patient and her family even having just met them. I left there feeling comforted by the fact that I was able to make a difference in this patient’s life.
Meagan Tancock, Paramedic
Edmonton Metro
It is helpful to have access to additional diagnostics to help provide the support and confirmation of your own diagnosis in the patient’s home. I didn’t feel isolated and alone, as is often the case as home care clinician. It is nice to know that you have a backup available when you need it. The crew was able to stay on scene and take the time to really care for the patient.The patient ultimately died at home, which was his wish. I believe this was a direct result of care we were able to provide in the home together at the time of the crisis.
James Prevost, Respiratory Therapist
I recall giving this patient medications while his wife and children sat at his bedside holding his hand. The family thanked me for being there and for treating him well and managing his pain and discomfort. [The medication I was administering on the physician’s orders] would keep this gentleman at home in the comfort of his own bed, with his family by his side and allow him to die with dignity and privacy, just as he and his family wanted.
Brad Holmes, Paramedic
Calgary Metro
The EMS crew (Ryan and Eli) arrived without sirens . . . We paged the MD back so Ryan and Eli could confirm [the] order, I inserted a subcutaneous butterfly and one of the guys administered the med. Ryan and Eli stayed for 30 minutes after administration. [The client] was restful and passed peacefully 8 hours later at home, as was her wish. Ryan and Eli were wonderful and we seemed to all agree it was a much preferred scenario to having to transfer this little lady for symptom control at end of life.
Lori Denson, Registered Nurse