Using Diabetes Infrastructure for Surveillance, Evaluation, and Research (DISER)

Diabetes, Obesity & Nutrition Strategic Clinical Network™


Potential Uses

The data contained in Diabetes Infrastructure for Surveillance, Evaluation, & Research (DISER) can add breadth to diabetes data projects. Examples:

  • Using DISER data for research or quality improvement (QI) projects
  • Joining DISER data with survey data
  • Joining DISER data with an existing patient cohort
  • Using DISER to identify specific patient cohorts
  • Identifying a patient cohort and conducting a survey

Note: As a health data custodian, AHS can contact patients directly. Projects leveraging this capability must be done in partnership with AHS.

How to Access DISER Data

The following documents are provided to help prospective researchers and quality improvement staff navigate the process of accessing DISER data.

For more details visit the AHS Research website: