Last Updated March 31, 2023
What is Isolation?| Who is Recommended to Isolate?| International Travellers| Supporting Patients & Residents| Children & Families| Quick Reference
Isolation is when you stay away from or keep yourself apart from others. When you have less contact with others, even those you live with, you can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses.
Isolation is no longer legally required in Alberta.
Those with respiratory virus symptoms or who test positive for any respiratory illness are advised to stay home until all symptoms have improved, they feel well enough to resume normal activities, and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications.
Anyone who has respiratory virus symptoms are recommended to wear a mask for a total of 10 days from the onset of symptoms (even if the symptoms have resolved or improved) when in indoor settings with other individuals.
If you've returned from travel outside of Canada you are legally required to follow all federal quarantine requirements.
It is highly recommended that anyone with COVID-19 isolate away from their household members when possible. This helps to prevent ongoing exposure to the virus.
Most people recover from COVID-19 without special treatment and can manage mild symptoms at home. Go to COVID-19 Self-Care Guide for more information.
Tips to Isolate at Home:
Find more information on How to Care for a COVID-19 Patient at Home.
Check with the site you are visiting for entry requirements and precautions.
For more information on entry requirements, see
Children need love, care, and attention from caregivers every day. If your child develops symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19, we recommend you choose 1 healthy family member to be their caregiver to help lower the spread of the virus to others in the household. You're the best judge of how to care for your child and may decide that it's not possible to have only 1 adult be with your child for such a long period of time.
For specific instructions learn more below: