There are many ways to make physical activity a part of your life no matter your ability or health condition. Learn how Zak Madell maintains an active lifestyle, regardless of a disability or health condition:
Video: Zak Madell's Story
Video: Zak Madell: Nine to Five
Learn more about how to get active:
Many organizations across Alberta help provide inclusive recreation, leisure, and physical activities:
For more information about resources in your community, visit our Resources section.
The teen years are an important time to establish healthy eating habits that will continue into adulthood. Choose a variety of healthy foods every day and learn skills like how to plan, shop and prepare healthy foods. Learn more about Healthy Eating for Teens.
Other recommended resources:
Taking care of your health means taking care of your mind too.
Mental Health Resources
Video: I had a black dog, his name was depression
Video: Mental Health: In Our Own Words
Video: Let’s Talk About Mental Health
Video: 10 Common Warning Signs of a Mental Health Condition
Addiction Resources:
If you are concerned about talking to your healthcare team, learn more about your right to confidential healthcare.
Meeting and Making New Friends
There are many different kinds of relationships. Relationships with your friends and family will look different than those with your teachers and healthcare providers. Having a close friend you can count on, trust, and spend time with can be important.
Some may find it easier to reach out and make friends than others. A good friend:
There are many ways to meet new people:
Bullying and Relationship Abuse
You can decide who you want to have a relationship with and how close you want to be. You have the right to feel safe at all times and in all relationships. Talk to your healthcare provider to help you find resources and support. Prevention resources and help for victims of bullying, family violence, sexual abuse, exploitation and child abuse are available:
Alberta Health Services has Sexual and Reproductive Health programs and services to help you get reliable and accurate information and learn about sexual and reproductive health.
Additional Resources:
Talk to your healthcare team or ask to see a psychologist to talk about sexuality or sexual health questions you have. It’s okay to meet with healthcare providers on your own. Your parents don’t have to be in the room. If you’d like to learn more, see confidential healthcare for teens.
Sexuality and Diverse Abilities
Everyone can have healthy sexual relationships, regardless of disabilities or their health condition. If you have questions about your relationships and your sexual and reproductive health, talk to your healthcare provider.
Video: So you wanna date
Video: Deciding when you're ready
Video: Kamisha's Journey: Discovering Sexual Identity When You Have a Disability
Sexual consent is about a person’s right to make their own choice about sexual activity. Learn about the laws in Canada that protect you and your right to make choices about sex and relationships.
If you’re in a relationship and feel that you’re being pressured into sexual activity, or have been approached to take part in a sexual activity by a person in a position of power, reach out to someone you trust for help like a parent, teacher or other trusted adult.