In specific situations, even though a contract may be above the trade agreement financial thresholds, there are circumstances when it is acceptable under the trade agreements to enter into contracts without going through a competitive process. These approved exceptions are typically based on the circumstances surrounding the need for, or the nature of the goods or services to be provided. The reasons for exceptions which most commonly apply to AHS contracts are:
- When only one supplier (unique good or service, patent supplier, proximity to need, original equipment/software manufacturer or compatibility) who can meet AHS’ requirements
- For situations of unforeseen urgency
- When the procurement respects matters of a confidential nature
- For health and social services
- Where there were no bids in response for a call for tender
- For services provided by lawyers and notaries
- For procurements with public bodies or not-for-profit organizations
- For procurements from philanthropic institutions
- For goods intended for resale to the public
- For water, energy (renewable/alternative)
- For conservation, aboriginal, treasury items and from donation
- For Legitimate Objectives such as: public security and safety; public order, protection of human, animal or plant life or health; protection of the environment; consumer protection; protection of the health, safety and wellbeing of workers; affirmative action programs for disadvantaged groups
The contracts included in this listing are contracts managed through AHS’ Contracting, Procurement and Supply Management department.
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Last Updated: October 4, 2024