Connect Care bridge

Connect Care - Health Professionals

patients and health professionals

About Connect Care

When is Connect Care coming to my area?

Connect Care implementation is happening in multiple launchs to minimize disruptions for patients and healthcare providers. There will be nine implementation launches in total, happening between 2019 and 2024. View the latest implementation timeline to find out when Connect Care launches in your area.

Do I need Connect Care training?

All individuals who will be using the Connect Care system will require training aligned with their specific role. If you’re accessing the system, you’ll need training. For each implementation launch, training will occur prior to each ‘launch’ date. Generally training will be available two months to a maximum of three months prior to the launch date.

For more information on training, view the Training & Learning FAQ (AHS login is required) or the Training for Physicians FAQ (AHS login is required).


You’ve Got Questions

Let us help you find answers. Reach out to one of our teams below.

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Connect Care is going to mean significant changes to how we work. Leaders and Managers have a major role to play in supporting staff and helping prepare for Connect Care’s launch. The Readiness Team provides support and guidance throughout the process. Visit the readiness page on Insite to learn more and access resources.

Connect Care Resources

Note: Access to some information requires AHS credentials to view.

Healthcare Professional Videos

Dr. Chris Hall

Dr. Rob Hayward

(Note: If you have trouble viewing these videos please use Chrome or Firefox.)