The most important part of our work is the care and compassion we provide. We want patients and their families to know while we’re caring for them, they have our full attention. Connect Care will help us make patients our focus, using technology as a tool.
AHS currently has more than 1,300 independent clinical information systems, which sometimes mean patients are repeating their histories to different providers. When the Connect Care project is complete, health providers will have access to a common system with comprehensive and consolidated patient information, no matter where they access it in the system.
Healthcare teams will be able to use Connect Care to reimagine and redesign how they capture, store, filter, access and use information to care for patients. In short, they will have a more complete picture of a patient’s health.
Better information will lead to best practices and provincial standards. Ultimately, Connect Care will lead to better outcomes and satisfaction for the people we serve and will make them a greater part of their wellness and care.