Palliative Care Dashboard

Palliative & End of Life Care (PEOLC), Info for Health Professionals

What is a dashboard?

A dashboard visually shows us how well we are performing over time. The provincial Palliative and End-of-Life Care (PEOLC) dashboard will help us evaluate the provincial PEOLC program, and will provide information on services across the province.

What is included in the provincial PEOLC dashboard?

The provincial PEOLC Practice and Development Team and stakeholders have chosen 10 service quality indicators and 9 parameters.  View a list of the indicators.    

The dashboard currently contains the following data from Vital Statistics:

  • Alberta deaths from 2003 - 2012
  • Filter by Zone, by year, and by cause of death
  • 3 key indicators – number of deaths, location of death, and age of those that died

How do I access the Provincial PEOLC dashboard?

AHS staff can access the dashboard via Tableau on Insite (which is available through the AHS intranet)

Note: Tableau will direct you to sign up  for login access

Next Steps

Analyzing data and adding prioritized indicators to the dashboard

This is dependent on obtaining access to necessary data across zones

Data for the 9 key ACP/ GCD indicators identified by the ACP/ CRIO research group will also be obtained, analyzed and published on the dashboard

Contact Us

Email, monitored Monday to Friday, except on statutory holidays. We’ll do our best to get back to you within 2 business days.