Indigenous Health

Indigenous Wellness Core partners with Indigenous peoples, communities and key stakeholders to provide accessible, culturally appropriate health services for First Nations, Métis and Inuit people in Alberta.

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Indigenous Support Line

Call 1-844-944-4744 or 811

The support line is for First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples including youth and Elders, living on or off reserve, in a Settlement or in cities and towns.

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Indigenous Health Services

About Indigenous Wellness Core

The Provincial Indigenous Health Program and the Indigenous Health Strategic Clinical Network have combined into one portfolio: Indigenous Wellness Core (IWC).

What This Means

  • One portfolio focused on innovation, quality improvement and standardization for programs and services for all Indigenous peoples within Alberta.
  • One point of contact for all Indigenous health needs and topics.
  • Strengthening the building of partnerships between AHS and Indigenous peoples in Alberta.

Indigenous Health Services

Indigenous Health Commitments:
Roadmap to Wellness

The IWC is guided by the Indigenous Health Commitments: Roadmap to Wellness. The Indigenous Health Commitments guides AHS in developing the structures, processes and organizational culture needed to respond to Indigenous peoples’ unique needs at the provincial, zone and program level with a driving vision of achieving health equity for and with Indigenous peoples in Alberta.

Indigenous Health Services

Achieving This Vision Includes:

  1. Fostering lasting and meaningful relationships with Indigenous people, organizations and nations
  2. Eliminating racism and increasing cultural competency
  3. Closing gaps in access to healthcare services
  4. Working with Alberta Health and the federal government to streamline how Indigenous people access health care
  5. Supporting safe, healthy and inclusive work environments for our Indigenous workforce
  6. Supporting Indigenous healing and wellness practices
  7. Supporting capacity within Indigenous communities
  8. Ensuring the sustainability of programs and services in Indigenous health

For more information visit Indigenous Health Program or email