Quality Improvement Project

Advance Care Planning / Goals of Care


Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care Designations (ACP/GCD) is fundamental to patient and family centered care. Regardless of where or how care is delivered, all teams are encouraged to continually evaluate and improve their ACP/GCD practices to help patients and families receive more, better and earlier ACP/GCD conversations.

If your care team has ever felt that there is a gap between the care patients/clients want and the care they receive consider conducting a targeted program specific quality improvement project.

Benefits to Patients, Family Members & Health Professionals

Benefits include (but not limited to):

  • Delivery of care that is in line with patient’s values and wishes and is medically appropriate
  • Increased prevalence of ACP/ GCD and Green Sleeves
  • Increased documentation on ACP/ GCD Tracking Records.
  • Opportunities to collaborate & learn together as a care team
  • Improved health care provider satisfaction, less moral distress
  • Improved transfer of information across points of care.


Follow these 4 Steps:


Care teams who have conducted QI projects have developed ACP/GCD tools and resources and share these to help you conduct your own quality improvement project.

Contact Us

Have a question / feedback?

Email conversationsmatter@ahs.ca