Quality Improvement Project, Advance Care Planning / Goals of Care

Conduct Stakeholder Analysis

Identifying stakeholders is another key step in all quality improvement projects. This is a good way to identify local representatives who can be on the implementation team and champion quality improvement ACP/GCD work. Think about who on your team is involved in current ACP/GCD processes as well as everyone who is impacted by ACP/GCD conversations in your work setting.

To begin your stakeholder analysis brainstorm a list of all participants. Remember stakeholders outside of your own team/department since ACP/GCD processes involve multiple roles and often cross healthcare sectors.

At this stage, it’s also important to assess if this is right time to start this work. Ask:

  • Do you have leadership supporting ACP/GCD as a priority for your team?
  • Can you and your team commit to this work in addition to any other changes or projects that are going on right now?

If you answered no to either of these questions, it might not be the best time to start an ACP/GCD project. Ask leadership where ACP/GCD fits within your program’s priorities.

Before proceeding, do you have:

  • Team support?
  • Stakeholder engagement?
  • Confidence this is the right time to take on an ACP/GCD project?