Safety Engineered Devices

Medical Staff

Important Information for Physicians

Safety Engineered Devices (SED) are required to be available and utilized within all healthcare settings in Alberta by July 1, 2010 as legislated by the Government of Alberta, Occupational Health and Safety Code.

All physicians have responsibilities both as "workers", and many physicians have responsibilities as "employers".

Some physicians may need to order SED compliant products for their clinics and offices.

There may be occasion where an exemption to using the SED can be requested through the AHS waiver application process by completing a waiver application.
The waiver process only applies to physicians and staff working in AHS operated facilities.

Alberta Health Services' hospitals and facilities are transitioning to safety-engineered devices to keep employees and physicians safe on the job.

For more information, refer to Information for Health Professionals - Safety Engineered Devices. If you have any questions, view the FAQ's or send your questions to