Adverse Events & Patient Safety

Medical Staff

AHS is committed to providing safe and quality care throughout Alberta. As an organization, we are working to identify the changes that will provide greater support for Medical Staff and improve the safety of our patients.

This webpage contains information on resources that help support practitioners disclose and report Adverse Events.

Reporting & Learning System (RLS) for Patient Safety

The Reporting & Learning System (RLS) is intended to enable and support our organizational commitment to developing a safe culture. It is a quick and easy way for Healthcare Practitioners to voluntarily report Adverse Events, Close Calls and potential Hazards.

You can submit a report to RLS online through AHS’ intranet (Insite) homepage, or go directly to the Submit a Report Insite page.

As a member of the AHS Medical Staff, you can access Insite from any computer at an AHS facility using your AHS network username and password. You can also access AHS Insite remotely by visiting and logging in using your AHS network username and password.

Reporting can be confidential, if desired, and reports will not be used for performance management purposes. Using the data obtained through RLS, AHS medical and operational leaders can collaborate with Patient Safety to track and trend issues and take action on patient safety concerns before they can cause further harm.

  • NOTE: RLS is not intended to be nor is it a reliable way to communicate critical information to immediate management. All adverse events must be noted on the patient’s health record and reported to the relevant operational leader.

For more information on RLS, please see our Quick Reference Guide, RLS Physician Brochure and a One-Page guide for new physicians..

Get the latest RLS news, updates and information with the Reporting Matters newsletter.

Immediate & Ongoing Management of Clinical Adverse Events Procedure

These procedures outline AHS expectations related to the immediate and ongoing management of clinical adverse events. A clinical adverse event means an event that could or does result in an unintended injury or complication arising from health care management with outcomes that may include (but are not limited to) death or serious harm.

AHS will ensure a fair and consistent approach to evaluating adverse events in context, utilizing the appropriate processes to review the event so that the needs of patients, families, staff, and medical staff can be addressed.

Support for Patient Disclosure

AHS also offers education workshops to support physicians in disclosing Adverse Events.

Disclosing Unanticipated Medical Outcomes (DUMO) is intended for physicians, clinical managers and staff who may be in a position to disclose harm to patients and families. The goal of this workshop is to provide an understanding of organizational, ethical, and personal aspects of disclosure along with practicing the communication skills needed with patients and families.

No previous disclosure training or experience is necessary. The workshop will require a 4-hour commitment.

To learn more about the workshop or to register, email