Making Your Own Decisions

Well on Your Way - Helping Youth Transition to Adult Healthcare

When you turn 18, you are legally an adult. This means you are responsible for making your own healthcare, personal, and financial decisions.

The Adult Guardianship & Trusteeship Act (AGTA) has a range of options to give you and your parents/caregivers the support you need.

  1. Supported Decision Making - Fill out this form if you are able to make your own decisions but would like to have someone you trust help you. You may feel quite comfortable making decisions on your own and going to medical appointments by yourself. If not, it is important to complete this form to ensure you have the help and support you need.
  2. Co-Decision Making - Apply for this if you are not able to make decisions on your own, but could with the help and guidance of another person.
  3. Guardianship - Apply to the court for a legal guardian if you are not able to make your own decisions and need someone to make decisions for you.
  4. Trusteeship - Apply to the court for a trustee if you have personal property, money, or investment income and need help managing your finances.
  5. Personal Directive - This allows someone to make decisions for you if you are sick or injured and not able to decide for yourself.

To learn more, contact an Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee.

Visit MyHealth.Alberta,ca, to learn more about confidential healthcare for teens.