Getting your first job and earning your own money is exciting, and one of many steps towards becoming independent. If you have a disability or ongoing health condition, finding a job that is right for you can be a challenge. However, there are programs and resources to help make your job search easier.
Important Things to Know
- To work in Canada, you need a Social Insurance Number (SIN). If you do not have a SIN, apply by mail or in person at a Service Canada Office. Remember to bring proper ID (like a birth certificate).
- Take advantage of any job shadowing or career counselling services your school offers. Volunteering can also help open the door to jobs.
- The Government of Alberta offers some services to unemployed Albertans. To learn more, see the Employment Services website.
- You can learn about your rights and responsibilities as an employee and the employer’s duty to accommodate at:
- There are many resources or programs that can:
- help you find a job
- offer supervised work situations
- help with resumes or job interviews
- provide special equipment to support your work
While some of these resources/programs are free, most charge a fee. If you are eligible for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD), they may help pay for these services.
For more ideas about finding a job, check out the recommended resources below or visit our resources section.
Recommended Resources
For People with Developmental Disabilities:
For People with Physical Disabilities: