You may want to continue going to school after you graduate from high school. You have many options so it is a good idea to start planning and preparing for this transition early. For example, if you have a health condition or disability, you will have to think about whether going away to school is right for you.
Some common questions are below.
To find out more about post-secondary programs and career planning in Alberta, go to Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS). ALIS also offers information for students with disabilities.
Post-secondary schools offer accessibility services to support you if you have a disability or health condition. Supports—usually called accommodations—may include things like scribes, computers, parking passes, extra time, special software, a standing desk, audio recordings, or dictation services. Register for school accessibility services early.
To learn more:
If you are missing lots of school because of your condition, make sure to let your instructors and the accessibility services team know so they can help you come up with a plan.
Many universities and colleges offer specialized programs those with a developmental disability.
To learn more about going to school, check out the recommended resources below or visit our Resources section.