Moving Out

Well on Your Way - Helping Youth Transition to Adult Healthcare

If you are a young adult with a health condition or disability, finding a place that is safe, accessible, and within your budget may take some time and effort. Start thinking about what your needs are, how much you can afford, and if you will need any support. Options for living more independently include:

  • Low Cost Housing: for individuals with a limited income, but can live on their own without support.
  • Accessible Housing: for those who need housing (like condominiums, apartments, homes, university residences) that have been adapted to meet physical challenges.
  • Independent Living, Supported Independent Living, and Supportive Roommates: to allow young adults to live on their own, with another family, or with a roommate. Support can include such things as cost sharing, companionship, emotional support, safety, personal/medical care, budgeting, meal planning, or chores.
  • Group Homes or Overnight Staffed Homes/Residences: for young adults who are not able to live on their own, but would do well living in a group setting where there is support.

To learn more about supported living, group homes, or overnight-staffed residences for people with developmental disabilities, contact your local Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) office for a list of service providers in your area. If you have a physical disability and need supports for independent living contact Home Care.

Adapting a Home

If you have mobility challenges, you may need to make changes to an existing or new home to meet your needs. There may be funding to help you make these changes.