Help In Tough Times

Anyone needing emergency care is reminded to call 911, or to go to the nearest emergency department or urgent care centre.

We Are Here to Help. You Are Not Alone.

At some point in our lives, we have stressful times. Unexpected difficulties, financial pressures, unemployment, or situations such as emergencies and disasters can affect us. There are resources and services available to help you and your loved ones during a difficult time. Remember, it is okay to ask for help. Everyone deals with stress differently and a traumatic event can have a big impact.

Help Available 24/7

The following helplines are available 24/7 for support or access to addiction and substance use or mental health information and services.


Additional Support

Find Services & Support

If you are looking for specific support or help, additional resources are available. 

Addiction & Mental Health

Find information and services that are right for you or others.


Mental Health Workshops

Find practical tools to support positive mental health. Access resources, workshops and information. Visit Mental Health and Wellness.


Mental Wellness Moments

Learn more about mental wellness and related topics from AMH medical director Dr. Nicholas Mitchell.


Access Resources

Whether you’re seeking immediate help or long-term support, these resources are designed to provide support and guidance across various aspects of life and your well-being.