The following services are offered to patients, families and visitors at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. Learn more about:
We are a smoke-free and scent-free facility.
Accessibility Friendly Features
Washrooms, elevators, doorways, and designated parking spaces are wheelchair accessible.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Areas
There is a 10-minute patient drop-off and pick-up lane at the Main Entrance on 111th Avenue (on the south side of the building - GlenWest) and the 102nd Street Entrance (on the east side of the building - GlenEast).
Wheelchairs are available at the Main Entrance, 102 Street Entrance, and the Parkade Entrance (on Level 0) for patient use while at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. Wheelchairs must be returned to the appropriate area when leaving the hospital.
A banking machine is available on Level 1 in the GlenWest building, near the Blue Curve Gallery and on Level 3 in the Cravings Atrium space.
Dental Services
Located in Room 22, Level 0 in the GlenEast Building, offering professional dental care, including cleaning and fillings. Services are available to seniors and adults with disabilities and the general public (adults). Rates are competitive, and fees are payable at the time of treatment. Call for an appointment. Learn more.
Hair Salon
Located in Room 0306, Level 0 in the GlenWest Building, offering a variety of services to patients, staff and children. Reasonable rates. Walk-ins are welcome. Learn more.
Complimentary newspapers are delivered to the inpatient units by volunteers each weekday morning.
Laundry Services
Washing machines and dryers are available for patient use on Levels 3 and 4 of the GlenWest building. Patients are encouraged to bring their own detergent/fabric softener.
Swimming Pool
The swimming pool is open to patients for therapeutic treatment only.
Cultural Care – Indigenous Health Program
The Provincial Indigenous Wellness Core partners with Indigenous peoples, communities, and key stakeholders to provide accessible, culturally appropriate health services for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people in Alberta. Learn more or email
Indigenous Cultural Helper
An Indigenous Cultural Helper is available to visit patients and families and provide cultural and spiritual support during their hospitalization. Learn more.
Spiritual Care
A Spiritual Health Practitioner/Chaplain who is clinically trained to provide spiritual and emotional support to people with or without religious affiliation is available. The GRH also offers access to the Reflection and Renewal Centre where patients and families can go for solitude, reflection, meditation, and prayer. Learn more.
Alberta Caregiver College
A resource and education program that teaches caregivers how to meet the needs of a loved one with an injury, illness, or disability. Learn more.
Help in Tough Times
At some point in our lives, we will face tough times, and we can be impacted directly or indirectly by such things as financial pressures or unexpected problems. Learn more.
Mental Health Help Line
Available 24/7, confidential, providing information about mental health programs and services. Learn more.
Preventing Falls
Anyone can fall, but as you grow older, the risk increases. Falls are the leading cause of serious injuries in older adults. Learn more.
Social Workers
Provide information and education to the patient and family to help support and connect them with the appropriate resources. Learn more.
Lost and Found
To check for lost items, call Security. Learn more.
Protective Services
Responsible for the safety of patients, staff, and visitors. Learn more.
Where to Stay
Accommodations – hotels around Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
Where to Eat
Things to Do
Top Sites to Visit
Patient Library
Located on Level 3 in the GlenWest building Quiet Atrium, open seven days/week. Books and magazines are available to patients free of charge. Learn more.
Quiet Atrium
Located on Level 3 in the GlenWest building, open 24 hours/day. This is a space for patient and family visiting and relaxation. The atrium is equipped with tables and lounge furniture.
Reflection & Renewal Centre
Located in Room 0114, Level 0, in the GlenWest building, the Reflection & Renewal Centre is accessible 24 hours/day. This is a quiet space intended to be shared by patients, families, staff, and visitors for meditation, prayer, solitude, and reflection. The Reflection & Renewal Centre also features an ablution room.
Arts in Rehabilitation
There are four galleries (Blue Curve, Mezzanine, Art on the Inside, and Inspire) with artworks available for purchase. Proceeds are directed to the Arts in Rehab Council to support the Art of the Possible, Artist-in-Residence program. Artists, including patients who wish to display their work, are invited to contact Recreation Therapy for more information.
Healthy Trendz Bistro
Located on Level 0, GlenWest Building, the Bistro offers hot and cold meals and various beverages. Learn more.
Vending Machines
Vending machines are available on Level 1 of the GlenWest building, near the Blue Curve Gallery, on Level 0 of the GlenWest Building in the Healthy Trendz Bistro Seating area, and Level 1 of the GlenEast building at the 102 Street Entrance.
Latex balloons are not allowed in the hospital as some people have a severe allergy to latex. Mylar (foil) balloons are permitted.
Fresh Flowers
For the health of everyone, please refrain from bringing fresh flowers into the hospital, as some people have sensitivities or allergies.
Infection Prevention
You can stop the spread of germs and bacteria that could make you and others feel unwell. The best way to reduce the spread of germs is to clean your hands, either by using soap and water or by applying an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, cover your coughs and sneezes and avoid touching your face. If you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, any flu-like symptoms, or communicable disease, at home. Learn more.
Patient Identification
Expect your healthcare provider to ask your name, date of birth and check your ID wristband. This will happen before medications are administered, drawing blood, performing procedures, or transporting you from one area of the hospital to another.
Scented Products
Refrain from wearing scented products during your stay with us. Your visitors should also refrain from wearing perfumes, after-shave, or other scented products, considering patients and staff may have fragrance sensitivities or allergies.
Smoking Areas
As part of our commitment to health and wellness, we offer a smoke-free environment. Those who wish to smoke can do so off hospital property. Smoking cessation information is available from your doctor or nursing staff on the unit. If you smoke, use tobacco products, or electronic nicotine delivery products, you may be approached by your physician or healthcare provider about supports to help you quit smoking.
Staff Identification
At the Glenrose, staff will be wearing their AHS photo ID name tag.
AHS Wireless Internet (WiFi)
Wireless Internet is accessible at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital for patients and their families. To access, select “healthspot” from the list of available networks, open a web browser, read the acceptable use policy, and select “Accept.”
Hearing Impaired Assistance
A TTY machine is available from the Admitting Office directly, or the staff on your unit can make the necessary arrangements.
Interpretation & Translation Services
Interpreters speaking 240 different languages are available via phone to assist you 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Video interpretation including American Sign Language (ASL) is available in 40 languages. To access this service, contact the Social Work department.
Patient Information
There are two Information Desks in the hospital. The Main Information Desk is located at the GlenWest entrance (just off of 111th Avenue); the second Information Desk is located at the GlenEast Entrance (just off of 102 Street). Learn more.
Patient Well Wishes
As part of our support for patient care and comfort, friends and family of inpatients in hospital and health care facilities can send well wishes via email. Learn more.
Cell phones can be used in general public areas but not in all patient care areas. Watch for signs that show where cell phone use is prohibited.
Visiting Hours
Visiting is encouraged; however, phone the unit about the best time to visit as patients may be occupied in rehabilitation therapy throughout the day..
Advance Care Planning
Will your family and healthcare team know your wishes, in case your ability to speak for yourself becomes affected? Learn more
End PJ Paralysis
Global movement to help patients get up, get dressed and moving, rather than lying in bed. Learn more.
Patient Feedback
Alberta Health Services values your input; we want to hear from you. Your feedback will help us further improve the quality of Alberta’s health care system. Learn more.
Patient-First Strategy
Albertans have told us they want health care that engages patients and families as full partners in their own care. Learn more.
Thanks For Caring
If you missed the opportunity to thank someone for the care you received, now’s your chance. Learn more.
Working Together: CoACT
Helping patients, families and care providers communicate and work together. Learn more.