Childhood Growth Measurement

Healthy Children & Families

A standardized way to measure child growth is important to be able to understand childhood growth and development. Working with AHS partners, a standardized program to measure children’s growth in infants, preschoolers and children up to 18 years of age was developed and implemented.

A provincial protocol and resources ensure consistent child growth measurements in public health and clinical settings—this will also support the development of a childhood growth surveillance system in the future.

An evaluation completed in 2014 identified that there was widespread awareness and use of the Childhood Growth Measurement Protocol at public health sites across the province. All surveyed sites were aware of the protocol and compliance with most of the procedures was extremely high.

Provider Resources

Protocol and training resources.

Resource Ordering Info

Health care providers can order the free step-by-step measurement technique posters for children of different ages to use in their sites:

Order: Data Group
User ID: healthypublic
Password: healthy2013

Measurement posters (packages of 1):

Ordering info card (packages of 25):

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