Healthy Parents, Healthy Children

Healthy Children & Families

Healthy Parents, Healthy Children (HPHC) is a practical guide to pregnancy and being a parent. It was created in response to a need to have standardized pregnancy, birth and early childhood resources within Alberta Health Services.

HPHC has reliable information based on evidence and best practice for expectant parents, parents of children up to six years of age and healthcare providers who work with these families. Two print books were created, HPHC: Pregnancy and Birth, and HPHC: The Early Years.

The HPHC resources were evaluated in 2014 with a broad range of Alberta parents and healthcare providers. Findings showed that these resources were well received by all audiences. Among parents who had received at least one book or visited the online resource, 50% reported a change in behaviour as a result of reading the resources. Feedback is reviewed and improvements are made on an ongoing basis.



Visit Healthy Parents, Healthy Children.


Resource Ordering Info

Health care providers who work with expectant parents and parents of children up to 6 years old can order free copies of these resources for distribution.

Order: Data Group
User ID: healthypublic
Password: healthy2013

Book set (1 box contains 10 book sets; minimum order of 2 boxes):
book set

Single book (1 box contains 20 books; minimum order of 2 boxes):
book set

Promotional/redemption cards for parents/caregivers (packages of 50):
redemption card

Promotional card for health care providers (packages of 100):
promo card

Promotional poster:

HPHC: Breastfeeding Posters:
order info

Ordering information card for all Healthy Children and Families resources (packages of 25):
order info

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