

Request for Provider/Prescriber Set-Up in Health Information Systems

Service Request Form

Fill out and submit the Request for Provider/Prescriber Set-Up in Health Information Systems for:

  • An initial set up
  • eDelivery termination (if your clinic no longer wishes to receive eDelivery results)
  • A vendor change (if your clinic will use a new EMR software vendor)
  • Adding or removing healthcare providers and/or data sources

Paper Suppression Form

Paper Suppression Form

By completing and signing this form you have verified and agreed to the following:

  • All providers working at this clinic will have paper suppressed
  • You have confirmed that all results set up for eDelivery are successfully being received in your EMR
  • Not all paper/fax can be suppressed such as copy-to and letters
  • Only results set up for eDelivery will have paper/fax delivery suppressed