Medical Staff communication and engagement are top priorities for Alberta Health Services (AHS). There is a strong commitment to better understand the wants and needs of Practitioners and to put systems and processes in place to best respond to and meet these needs.
Medical Staff can contribute to planning and decision making within AHS in a number of ways through ongoing councils and committees. Contact your Zone Medical Director for more information on how to provide input on specific issues within your Zone.
The purpose of the ZMAC is to advise the Zone Medical Director on matters pertinent to quality and safe patient care at a Zone level. For more information on ZMACs, please see section 2.14 of the AHS Medical Staff Rules
The purpose of the Provincial Practitioner Executive Committee (PPEC) is to advise AHS and the Chief Medical Officer on provincial/system-wide matters pertinent to quality and safe patient care as well as issues including but not limited to:
For more information on PPEC, see Section 2.9 of the AHS Medical Staff Rules
A joint initiative with the Alberta Medical Association (AMA), ZMSAs support activities relating to Zone physicians' relationship with the AMA and Bylaws-related duties for the Medical Staff.
ZMSAs are actively involved in:
For more information, see the AMA’s Physician’s Introduction to ZMSAs
The ACC is a multidisciplinary forum that addresses issues of quality, access and patient safety. Membership includes a broad representation of clinicians with regular, direct clinical duties, and healthcare leaders from across the province.
In addition to these regularly occurring committees, members of the AHS Medical Staff can also participate in various meetings that occur on nearly a daily basis between Medical Leaders and physicians. This includes site meetings and Clinical Department Meetings. Contact your Zone Medical Director to learn more.