Did you know your local pharmacist can be a great source of health information and treatment when it comes to your heart health?
The Alberta Vascular Risk Reduction Community Pharmacy Project (RxEACH) was a province-wide heart disease and stroke reduction program where pharmacists worked with at risk patients and their family physicians to provide cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) care. This randomized trial identified a large number of patients with previously unknown kidney disease and showed to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by 21% in only 3 months.
To learn more about this study, see:
Albertans with heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high body weight, low physical activity or who want to quit smoking should consider speaking with their pharmacist.
Pharmacists can play a key role in helping patients manage conditions and risk factors, through care plans, laboratory tests, medication management, cardiovascular risk assessment, education and working closely with physicians.
To find out if you are at risk for heart disease or stroke, see: