Surgical Clinic 7A

South Health Campus

Surgical Clinic 7A Tour

Contact and General Service Information

For Your Appointment

Remember to bring your Alberta Healthcare card and a piece of photo ID. If you don't your appointment may need to be rescheduled.

If you need help reading or understanding any of the forms please tell your care team when you are admitted. Page 9 of the Patient and Family Welcome Booklet tells you about Interpretation Services.

Finding Us

Surgical Clinic 7A is on the 7th floor. Take the Outpatient elevators near the information desk. Once you get off the elevator, turn left, and follow the signs for "Clinic 7A."

The Information Desk on the main floor has "wayfinders" in red shirts who can help you find your way. There are also electronic kiosks throughout the hospital that give directions.

What to Expect

Once you arrive at the clinic, check in at the front desk.

You may be in the clinic for several hours, so please come prepared.

When you see the surgeon, you will review your medical history and talk about the reason for your visit. After the surgeon has examined you, they will talk about the best treatment choices for you.

If you need to have a procedure or surgery, you will be asked to sign a consent form and be given information about your procedure or surgery.

If you don't need surgery our clinic can refer you and help you in making appointments for other consults needed.

You may return to Surgical Clinic 7A for your follow-up appointments.