If you see any of these signs, go to Step 2 and call 911 immediately.
Naloxone is safe to inject and will have no effect on someone who has not taken opioids.
Treatment options, information and resources on opioids are also available to patients, family, community agencies and health care professionals through an AHS Opioid Dependency Program as well as other Opioid Agonist Treatment Clinics in Alberta.
If you need help or are concerned with someone else’s substance use, call:
The Digital Overdose Response System (DORS) is a free, discrete mobile app that can help prevent overdose deaths among people using opioids and other substances while alone. The DORS app can be downloaded from any smart phone’s app store, or through the links available on
If you need help or are concerned with someone else’s substance use, call:
Health Link at 811 or
1-866-332-2322 the Addiction Helpline
(available 24 hours a day, seven days a week)