Remember to bring your child’s Alberta Healthcare card and a piece of photo ID. Your first appointment may last up to two hours, so please come prepared.
A physician exam will be completed, have your child bring or wear shorts and a T-shirt.
We are located in Oilers Ambulatory Clinic, located on the second floor on the north side of the Stollery Children’s Hospital. From the 112th street entrance walk straight towards the elevators and go to the second floor.
The clinic is located in 2E within the Edmonton Oilers blue and orange painted entrance.
You and your child will see several different professionals including: a gastroenterologist, a psychiatrist, a registered nurse, and a dietitian.
During the appointment we will review your child’s comprehensive history and answer any questions you may have about your child gastrointestinal issues.
The Stollery Children’s Hospital is a teaching hospital. Be aware that we often have learners in our clinic so you may also see medical residents and health care students as members of your child’s care team.