COVID-19 疫苗接種流程
(What to expect with your COVID-19 immunization)
懷孕期間接種 COVID-19 疫苗須知
(What to expect with your COVID-19 immunization during pregnancy)
如果您需要口譯員,請指本標 示。我們將會致電與口譯員聯 絡。口譯員是免費為您提供。
(If you need an interpreter, point to this sign. An interpreter will be called. The interpreter is provided at no cost to you.)
持續照護設施指定家屬/ 照顧人和訪客篩檢問卷調查
(Designated Family/Support Person and Visitor Screening Questionnaire for Continuing Care facilities)
急性照護區域日常指定家屬 / 照顧人和訪客篩檢問卷調查
(Daily Designated Family Support and Visitor Screening Questionnaire in Acute Care)
長期 COVID 症症狀或健康顧慮 - 常見問題
(Frequently Asked Questions for Adult Patients: Long COVID symptoms or Health Concerns)
懷孕婦女可在懷孕期間的任何時間接種 COVID-19 疫苗。各疫苗都是安全有效的。疫苗降低您因 COVID-19 而病重,以及將病毒傳染他人(包括您的寶寶)的機會。詳情請瀏覽 8.5x11 / 11x17
(If you are pregnant, you can get the COVID-19 vaccine at any time during pregnancy. Vaccines are safe and effective. They lower your chance of becoming very sick from COVID-19 and spreading the virus to others, including your baby.)
Our work takes place on historical and contemporary Indigenous lands, including the territories of Treaty 6, Treaty 7 & Treaty 8 and the homeland of the Métis Nation of Alberta and 8 Métis Settlements. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous communities that have been forged in urban centres across Alberta.