Understanding Your Medical Condition

Well on Your Way - Helping Youth Transition to Adult Healthcare

Understanding your medical condition can help you take better care of yourself and be more involved in decisions about your healthcare.

It’s good to know:

  • The name of your medical condition
  • How and when it was diagnosed
  • What caused it (if that’s known)
  • The treatment options
  • If you need to follow a special diet or avoid certain foods
  • What you can do to take care of yourself
  • When you should see a doctor
  • The long-term effects of your medical condition

To learn more about your medical condition:

  • Ask a parent, caregiver or healthcare provider to explain your medical condition using words you will understand
  • Ask your healthcare provider to write down the name of your medical condition and any other information you should know
  • Ask lots of questions at your appointments – For tips on asking questions that are more personal or awkward, go to Asking Sensitive Questions
  • Visit reliable sources of health information such as MyHealth.Alberta or AboutKidsHealth

Informing others about your medical condition in an Emergency

To help healthcare providers and first responders (such as paramedics, police or fire fighters) get information about your medical condition in an emergency:

  • Use a medical identification tool (such as a necklace, bracelet or a tattoo)
  • Carry a list of your medications, medical condition and your allergies (You can get a list of your medications from your pharmacist)
  • Put an In Case of Emergency (ICE) app on your phone