Healthy Eating Starts Here: Steps to a Healthier You is aligned with Canada's Food Guide.
Canada’s Food Guide: For Consumers - food guide snapshot, recipes, publications.
Healthy Food Checker: This interactive tool allows you to compare the nutrition criteria from a Nutrition Facts Table (en français) to find out if your food or beverage choice is a Choose Most Often, Choose Sometimes, or Choose Least Often according to the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines.
Healthy Eating for Children and Youth in Schools: A booklet to help you understand the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth.
Raising Our Healthy Kids Video - School Age Nutrition: A series of 60-90 second videos with up-to-date nutrition information for school teachers, child educators, parents and health professionals working with children and youth.
School Nutrition Education Resource List: approved nutrition resources which align with the Comprehensive School Health Model, Alberta Education Curriculum, the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth, and Eating Well With Canada's Food Guide.