Past Experience and Education Allowance

Recognition of Previous Experience

Applicable to AUNP, AUPE – Auxiliary Nursing, HSAA and UNA members

AHS will recognize relevant work experience hours from prior positions to determine your salary placement. You must provide verification of your previous experience hours from your former employer(s).

To have your salary adjusted:

  • Fill out the Recognition of Previous Experience form ‘SECTION I’, print and sign.
  • Send the form to your previous employer(s). For ‘SECTION II’, a separate form is required for each employer.
  • Once you have received all completed forms from your previous employer(s), send this information to your local Human Resources office by fax as indicated on the form.

Education Allowance

Applicable to AUNP, AUPE - Auxiliary Nursing, HSAA - Mental Health Therapists and UNA members

AHS may recognize courses, diplomas, certificates, degrees and post graduate degrees offered by bona fide post secondary educational institutions relevant to your position and provide additional compensation as educational allowance as per your collective agreement.

Please refer to your collective agreement for specific education allowance information.

To apply for education allowance:

  • Fill out the Education & Certificate Cover Sheet, print, and sign.
  • Take the form and supporting documents that prove your education to your manager for review and signature.
  • Once you have received all completed forms back from your manager, submit the form and supporting documents by fax or email as indicated on the form.

2% Special Long Service Pay Adjustment

Applicable to UNA members with 20+ years of nursing service

If you have 20+ years of nursing service, you are eligible to receive a 2% Special Long Service Pay Adjustment in addition to your basic rate of pay.

To apply for this adjustment, you must submit reasonable proof that you have been registered with a nursing licensing body for at least 20 years. Provide this information to your manager along with the 2% Special Long Service Pay Retention Date Request form within 90 days of your start date.

Next: Parking

Action Items

Complete Recognition of Previous Experience form

Complete Education & Certificate Cover Sheet


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