Best Practice Recommendations

Infection Prevention & Control

If not done properly and consistently, healthcare practices and the equipment used by healthcare providers may spread infection. Infection Prevention & Control is often consulted to conduct reviews and provide best practice recommendations in order to prevent a patient from acquiring a healthcare associated infection.

AHS Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Best Practice Recommendations (BPRs) are developed using the AHS Clinical Policy Governance Document Framework to:

  • Provide  provincial recommendations to enhance patient safety and quality of care
  • Support provincial and zone delivery of evidence informed IPC practices; while allowing Zone/site flexibility in implementation.

IPC, prioritizes BPR development in alignment with the IPC Strategic Plan to address identified clinical practice issues and to meet Alberta Health, Accreditation Canada and Canadian Standards Association requirements.

Recommendations are:

  • Based on evidence and expert opinion (and recent literature is reviewed) from:
  • International: World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • National: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
  • Provincial: Ontario Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC) or Provincial Infection Control Network (PICNet) organizations
  • Developed by an the Document Revision Working Group  with multi-disciplinary representation and in consultation with key stakeholders (e.g., Alberta Health, Alberta Health Professional Regulatory Bodies and AHS staff and physicians)
  • Reviewed, endorsed and approved by IPC leadership including IPC Physician consultation
  • Disseminated and communicated through IPC for implementation in the applicable clinical area
  • Dated and posted on our IPC External Website
  • Updated regularly. The update process includes an evaluation survey of the existing document, literature review, stakeholder consultation, IPC leadership review and approval, reposting with date of update.
  • Revised as needed including minor changes such as placement on updated IPC template, refreshing links, clarification of wording, updating of references and reposting with date of revision.
  • Dates of development, updates and revisions are indicated in the footer.

To use the sortable / searchable table below, you may use a drop down menu to sort the results, or use the search bar to type in a keyword. See instructions.

Document Title Practice Area
Algorithm for Patients requiring Surgery Patient Care
Frequency of Cleaning Privacy Curtains Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Evaluation and Response to Incidents of Temperature and Humidity Extremes in the Surgical Suite Equipment Selection & Process
Horticulture in Healthcare Patient Care
Horticulture in Healthcare Frequently Asked Questions Patient Care
Airborne Precautions in the Operating Room Patient Care
Animals in Healthcare Patient Care
Bedbug Control Healthcare Facilities Patient Care
Glove Use and Selection Patient Care

Healthcare Attire

Patient Care
Management of Patient Supplies on Discharge or Transfer Patient Care
Safe Distribution of Ice and Water in Healthcare Facilities Patient Care

Selection, Handling, Application, Use and Storage of Patient Skin Antiseptic Products for Invasive Procedures Outside of the Operating Room

Patient Care
Sputum Specimen Collection Patient Care
Surgical Aseptic Technique and Sterile Field Outside of Operating Rooms or in Community Settings Patient Care
Use of Gloves In Obstetrical & Gynecological Procedures Patient Care
Human Waste (Feces) Management Patient Care
Labour and Delivery: Prevention of Invasive Group A Streptococcal Disease Patient Care
Medical Gels Patient Care
Spatial Separation – Position Statement Patient Care
Voting Healthcare Facility (elections) Patient Care
Care of Ear Cleaning Equipment (PowerPoint) Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Bedside Computers and Electronic Devices Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Point-of-Care High-level Disinfection for Reusable Ocular Devices that Contact the Surface of the Eye Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Laundering Personal Patient Items in Washing Machine Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Foot Care Devices Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Handling, Cleaning and Disinfecting Mobile DI Devices Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Patient Lifts and Handling Aids Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Principles for Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Storage of Clean and Sterile Supplies in Clinical Area Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Supply Bags Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Patient Care Tubs Equipment Selection & Process
Selection and Management of Isolation Carts Equipment Selection & Process
Selection of Furniture and Other Non-Medical Items for Patient Care Areas Equipment Selection & Process
Hand Hygiene Sink Requirements Equipment Selection & Process
Mattress Pillow Purchase Maintenance Equipment Selection & Process
Recreational, Comfort, Therapeutic and Play Items Equipment Selection & Process
Purchasing Medical Devices Equipment Selection & Process,
Use of Portable Bedside Humidifiers in Facility and Supportive Living Equipment Selection & Process
3D Printing of Medical Devices Equipment Selection & Process
PPE Videos Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
COVID-19 IPC Recommendations:
find COVID-19 specific documents using the Filter/search for key word(s) on the IPC External Website Emerging Issues webpage.
Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Storage
Use of Fans and Portable Air Conditioners in Healthcare Settings Patient Care
Masking Options & Adaptations for Healthcare Providers to Address Patient Communication Challenges Patient Care