Take a peek at the conference photos on Flickr; enjoy!
See our presentations and posters:
October 24, 2016
October 25, 2016
Morning Breakout Sessions
Rapid Fire Presentations – Top 6 Classic Improvement Projects
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Rapid Presentations - Top 6 Transforming Projects
Transforming Improvement
Clinical Improvement
- Clinical Improvement: Collaborating to improve Post-Treatment Transitions of Care for Albertans with Cancer
- Evaluation Results for a Student-Led Program in Pain & Rehabilitation
- The Development of a Care Pathway for Cystectomy Patients and NSQIP at the Rockyview General Hospital
- Improving Patient Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction for Patients with Diabetes in Alberta Hospitals Through Improved Glycemic Management
- Using Targeted Stakeholder Engagement to Enhance Quality in Newborn Screening
- Aggregated Learning from Clinically Serious Adverse Events: Analysis that Contributes to Setting Organizational Priorities
- Surgical Pharmacy Role in Medication Management on a Spine Service Unit
- Establishing a continuous feedback system to improve patient reported outcome measures in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
- Innovation in Redesigning Ambulatory Care for Children with Complex Airway Needs (CCAN): Tracheostomy with or without mechanical ventilation at the Alberta Children's Hospital
(not present)
- High Risk Screening in Day Surgery for Non-Admitted Patients
- Physiotherapists Performing Local Anesthetic Injections for Pain Management During Wound Care Sharp Debridement
- Risky Business: Risk Assessment and Occupational Therapy
- Occupational Therapy Student-Led Program: Logic Model Informed Evaluation Framework
- Improving the Quality of Clinical Services: the University of Alberta's Family Medicine Practice Quality Improvement (PQI) Residency Requirement
Creating a Culture of Quality & Safety
- Clinical Commissioning Simulations in new healthcare environments - Making it Right
- A New Method of Obtaining Information about the Implementation Effort and Impact of Patient Safety Recommendations
- Boot Camp - An Innovative Way to Engage in Staff Education
Patient and Family Centered Care
- "How would you do it without your family support?" Contributions of Families to Patient Care in Intensive Care Units and Hospital Wards
- Engaging Patients and Families in Leading Research to Inform and Advance Patient and Family Centered Care in Critical Care
- Gum for Mum: An Innovative Approach to Infant Fall Prevention at South Health Campus
*Winner of Top Poster Award: Transforming Improvement Stream*
- Alberta Home Care Client Experience Survey
- South Health Campus Patient and Family Centered Care Check In
- Patient Stories to Ignite Change
- Inpatient Hospital Experience in Alberta: Reporting and Advanced Analytics to Drive Healthcare Improvement
- Filling the void: Building a collaborative Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder Service
- Patient Perspectives on Stroke Prevention Therapy Decisions in Atrial Fibrillation: A Qualitative Study
- Using Patient Reported Outcomes to Drive Quality Improvement in Alberta: Improving System Effectiveness and Patient Experience
- A Patient-Centered Discharge Approach for Overactive Bladder
Community Care and Primary Care
- Delivering Care in the Community - The Calgary Zone Community Paramedic Program Provides Blood Transfusions for Patients in their Home
*Winner of Top Poster Award: Transforming Improvement Stream*
- Reducing General Internal Medicine specialty care wait times using a community based service delivery model at the East Calgary Family Care Clinic
- Development of a Diabetes Foot Care Clinical Pathway in Alberta
- Community Doctor Preferences for Hospital Discharge Medication Information
- The Roles of Quality Co-Coordinators in Improving the Quality and Capacity of Primary Care Service Provision: Primary Care Health Services Data
- BETTER WISE: A Cancer and Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening Project
Sustaining & Spreading Improvement
- Enhancing HPV Vaccination in First Nations Populations in Alberta (EHVINA Study): Towards a Sustainable, Community-Driven, Knowledge Translation Strategy
- Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Alberta: Impacts of Initial Provincial Implementation to Transform Surgical Care, Supported by Alberta's Provincial Quality Engines, the Strategic Clinical Networks
- Change Management: Journey through CoACT (Stage 1) Units 71 & 72 Rockyview General Hospital
- Teaching and Modeling Quality Improvement and Enhanced Safety in Health Care: Quality and Safety Family Medicine Grand Rounds
Classic Improvement
Clinical Improvement
- Head and Neck Cancer Perioperative Clinical Pathway
- Implementation of an Operating Room (OR) Cardiac Device Checklist to Decrease the Risk of Implantable Cardioverter Device (ICD) and Pacemaker (PPM) Surgical Site Infection (SSI)
- MRI Inpatient & Emergency Triage - Right Patient, Right Time
- Iterative development of an Intensive Pain Rehabilitation Program at the Alberta Children’s Hospital, with resultant impact on the patient, family, community and system.
- Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Line and its Associated Discharges Delays (not present)
- Standardizing the Care of COPD Patients in Acute Care
- Prep, Scope, Recovery, Repeat: A Move Toward Standardized Quality Patient Care Delivery for Endoscopy Patients in the Edmonton Zone
- Characterizing Inpatient Diabetes Mellitus Management on Medical Teaching Units
- The GO Project: Glycemic Optimization through interdisciplinary collaboration
- The Power of Positive Linking: Keeping Seniors Safe by Improving Patient Handovers
- Pharmacist Satisfaction with an Electronic Clinical Documentation Template
- A clinical decision support intervention to increase usage of Probenecid in the ED
- Multidisciplinary Care in Cirrhosis Improves Patient Survival
*Winner of Top Poster Award: Classic Improvement Stream*
- Alcohol-Based Hand Rub Safety Guidelines at AHS
- A Collaborative Team's Approach to Standardizing Discharge Processes
- Standardization of discharge analgesic orders for post-operative pain management in the community for patients undergoing total joint replacement at SHC
Creating a Culture of Quality & Safety
- Quality and Safer Health Services in Health Systems: Family Medicine Educational Requirements at the University of Alberta
- Unit 26 Waste Reduction Project
- Potential Blood/Body Fluid Exposure (BBFE) during Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) Leading to a Probe Leak Testing Protocol as a Quality Improvement
- Inhaler distribution optimization
- Patient Safety-‘Name Alert with Two Patient Identification’– Royal Alexandra Hospital Ophthalmology Eye Clinic
- Royal Alexandra Hospital Ophthalmology - Patient Care Unit 22 - 6S Improvement
- Consensus Review of Optimal Perioperative Care in Breast Reconstruction: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society Recommendations
- Optimizing Blood Inventory in Northern Alberta Hospitals
- Clean and Green: A multidisciplinary initiative to reduce patient supply waste and improve environmental cleaning capabilities
- Collaboration Leads to Improved Medication Information for Rural Emergency Department Patients (not present)
- Pharmacy Role in the Emergency Department at Two Urban Acute Care Sites
- Consensus Review of Optimal Perioperative Care in Major Head and Neck Cancer Surgery with Free Flap Reconstruction: Enhancing Recovery After Surgery ERAS Society Recommendations
Patient and Family Centered Care
- Restructuring Care Teams within a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Enhancing Family Centered Care: The Implementation of the HealthChange Methodology into an Early Intervention Pediatric Program
- The Art Walk - A Patient, Family and Staff Collaboration to Improve the Healing Environment Through Intentional Use of Art in the Tom Baker Cancer Centre
- Timing of Sedation and Patient Comfort for Screening Colonoscopy Procedures
- Alberta Children's Hospital Emergency Department Waiting Room and Triage project: the value of "Going to Gemba" to understand the family experience
- Enhancing the Patient Meal Experience for Neuro Rehab Patients
*Winner of Top Poster Award: Classic Improvement Stream*
- Patient Experience and the Physical Environment
Community Care and Primary Care
- Integration of the Primary Care Network into the Community Ultrasound Referral Process for the Reduction of Repeat Visits to the Rockyview Emergency Department
Sustaining & Spreading Improvement
- Implementation and Evaluation of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program with Hospitalist Physicians at FMC
- Occupational Therapy in Emergency Department - Update from RGH
- Sustaining Change after Initiative Rollout - Cardiac Cath Lab Central Referral
- Improving Platelet Utilization in a Rural Setting
- The Transdisciplinary Model: A Continuous Quality Re-Model of Therapy Services
- Acceptance and Utilization of Drugs & Therapeutic Backgrounders and Antimicrobial Stewardship Backgrounders in clinical practice