2023-10-16 |
Interim IPC Recommendations During COVID-19
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-05-25 |
IPC Resource Manual - Acute Care (Diseases & Conditions Table) |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Resource Manual view-all |
view-all |
2022-11-04 |
Healthcare Worker Staff Q&A COVID-19 |
Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
view-all |
2021-04-23 |
Second dose spacing change - immunocompromised Albertans |
Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
view-all |
2020-01-31 |
Guide to Personal Protective Equipment (Narrated Slide Show) 15 minutes |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Personal Protective Equipment; Learning view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
PPE; IPC; Masks |
2020-03-03 |
Specimen Collection Processes COVID-19 - Public Health Update |
Medical Officer of Health |
Algorithm / Pathway; Memorandum view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-03-04 |
PPE Ordering During COVID-19 Incident |
Workplace Health and Safety |
Human Resources; Personal Protective Equipment; Memorandum view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Critical Care; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; EMS; Laboratory; view-all |
PPE; Masks |
2020-02-27 |
Primary Care Network Overview of COVID-19 Incident Response Task Force |
Memorandum view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2022-07-08 |
Community Physicians' COVID-19 FAQ:
Vaccine / Immunization; Frequently Asked Questions; Infection Prevention and Control view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-03-27 |
Healthcare Worker Self-Assessment Tool |
Assessment; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
view-all |
2022-11-29 |
Cleaning Guidelines |
Guidance; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
view-all |
2022-03-02 |
Information For Home Care Staff |
Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-03-14 |
Provincial Guide - Community Based Services Waste Disposal |
Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-12-15 |
Home Care Clients FAQ |
Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-03-14 |
Poster: Community Based Services (Home Care) Waste Disposal |
Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-04-19 |
Guidance; Poster view-all |
Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-04-01 |
Care of the Adult Critically Ill COVID-19 Patient |
Guidance view-all |
Critical Care; view-all |
2022-01-03 |
PPE Distribution: All Physicians |
Personal Protective Equipment; Infection Prevention and Control view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
PPE; Masks; IPC |
2020-03-19 |
Collection of Samples for COVID-19 Using APTIMA Unisex Collection Kit |
Alberta Precision Laboratories |
Memorandum view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Laboratory; view-all |
2020-01-23 |
Poster: Cover Your Cough |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Poster; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
IPC; hand hygiene; hand sanitizer |
2021-04-14 |
Poster: Donning |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Poster; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
PPE; IPC; Masks |
2021-04-14 |
Poster: Doffing |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Poster; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
PPE; IPC; Masks |
2020-03-08 |
Poster: COVID-19 Testing |
Poster view-all |
Emergency Department and Urgent Care; view-all |
2020-03-09 |
Poster: How to Hand Wash |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Poster; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
IPC; hand hygiene; hand sanitizer |
2022-01-19 |
Poster: Comparison of COVID-19 Influenza Common Cold & Gastrointestinal (GI) Illnes |
Poster view-all |
view-all |
2022-01-18 |
Poster: How to Care For COVID-19 at Home
(also in: Alexis Nakota Stoney | Amharic | Arabic | Blackfoot | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Cree | French | Hindi | Nepali | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya | Vietnamese) |
Translated Resource / Interpretation Service; Poster view-all |
view-all |
2020-03-29 |
Poster: Physical Distancing (AHS Sites ONLY)
(also in: Alexis Nakota Stoney | Arabic | Blackfoot | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Cree | French | Hindi | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya | Vietnamese)
Poster; Translated Resource / Interpretation Service; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force; Staff Tips view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2021-03-10 |
PPE for Assisting Patients to Shower or Bath |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Assessment; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
PPE; IPC; Masks |
2021-03-10 |
Use and Re-use of Eye Protection (video) |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Assessment; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
PPE; IPC; Masks |
2024-10-23 |
COVID-19 NICU Clinical Guidance |
ECC; Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Algorithm / Pathway view-all |
Prenatal Neonatal and Postpartum Care; Critical Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-07-22 |
Care of the Pediatric Critically Ill COVID-19 Patient |
Guidance view-all |
Critical Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; view-all |
2024-06-17 |
Algorithm / Pathway; Guidance view-all |
Critical Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
Tocilizumab; Dexamethasone; REGEN-COV; remdesivir; treatment; Baricitinib; Tinzaparin; Sotrovimab |
2020-03-25 |
Changes to Routine HBV; HCV and HIV Viral Load Testing |
Laboratory |
Testing; Memorandum view-all |
Laboratory; view-all |
2022-07-21 |
Return to Work Guide for AHS Healthcare Workers |
Human Resources; Guidance; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
view-all |
2024-03-05 |
Policy: Attendance at Work and Respiratory Virus Symptoms |
Policy |
Policy; Directive view-all |
Student Placement; view-all |
2020-10-06 |
Provincial Pre-Triage for COVID-19 for Adult and Pediatric Patients in Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centres |
Algorithm / Pathway; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; EMS; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2020-09-23 |
Care of COVID-19 Patient in Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centres |
Guidance; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-03-27 |
Hand Hygiene |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
IPC; hand hygiene; hand sanitizer |
2020-08-04 |
Client Admission/Discharge/Transfer Screening Questionnaire |
Screening; Assessment view-all |
Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Continuing Care; Critical Care; EMS; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-03-29 |
Limits on Use & Access of Contractors to AHS Sites |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-12-02 |
Security Screening COVID- 19 – Statutory Declaration Form |
Screening; Human Resources view-all |
view-all |
2020-03-31 |
Adult Ambulatory Services Provincial Pandemic Plan |
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2020-04-01 |
Changes to Ambulatory Clinics |
Memorandum view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-03 |
Clarification on Cessation of Routine Laboratory Testing
Laboratory |
Testing; Memorandum view-all |
Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Continuing Care; Critical Care; Laboratory; Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-04-03 |
Health Attire: Scrubs During COVID-19 |
Environmental Public Health |
Hygiene / Cleaning; Environmental Public Health view-all |
view-all |
2023-04-24 |
Fit For Work
Poster; Human Resources; Screening; Assessment; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-04-04 |
Rapid Response Report: Optimal Strategy for Healthcare Worker Clothing and Personal Items |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-04 |
Ready Communication Skills: A Playbook of VitalTalk Tips COVID-19 |
Advance Care Planning; Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Palliative and End-of-Life Care; view-all |
2020-04-04 |
Streamlined Goals of Care Designation Decision-making for COVID-19 |
Algorithm / Pathway; Advance Care Planning; Guidance view-all |
Palliative and End-of-Life Care; view-all |
2022-06-20 |
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Taskforce |
Personal Protective Equipment; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
PPE; Masks |
2021-09-07 |
AHS Position Statement
Guidance view-all |
Prenatal Neonatal and Postpartum Care; view-all |
2022-02-28 |
Rapid Response Report: COVID-19 Non-invasive Ventilation Recommendations |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Respiration; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2022-02-28 |
Rapid Response Report: Oxygen Therapy recommendations for COVID-19 |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-07 |
Use of N95 Respirators for Patients Without COVID-19 |
Personal Protective Equipment; Respiration; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
PPE; Masks |
2022-01-21 |
Bringing My Own PPE to Work |
Personal Protective Equipment; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
PPE; Masks |
2022-06-13 |
Student Placement Opportunities & Principles:
Policy |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-08 |
Essential Test Menu changes - Autopsies |
Guidance; Memorandum view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-04 |
Rapid Response Report: Are healthcare workers at increased risk of COVID-19? |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2022-01-26 |
Stethoscope Use for Patients on Modified Respiratory Precautions |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Respiration; Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2021-06-24 |
Staff COVID-19 Tips: Eating and Drinking at Work; Personal Clothing; Cleaning Devices and Accessories |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Hygiene / Cleaning; Environmental Public Health; Guidance; Staff Tips view-all |
Continuing Care; Student Placement; view-all |
2020-04-11 |
PAPRs and CAPRs will not be deployed as PPE for COVID-19 |
ECC; Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Personal Protective Equipment; Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
PPE; IPC; Masks |
2020-04-25 |
Involving Families During COVID-19 |
Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-04-13 |
General Radiography Chest Imaging during COVID-19 Pandemic |
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-06-10 |
Rapid Response Report: Clinical Risk Prediction Tools for Admitted COVID-19 Patients |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-06-10 |
Rapid Response Report: Patient risk stratification in the Emergency Department - who needs admission? |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-13 |
Rapid Response Report: Predictors of who needs intubation |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-13 |
N95 Cleaning Guidelines; Education & FAQ
Guidance; Personal Protective Equipment; Respiration; Frequently Asked Questions; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
view-all |
FAQ; PPE; Masks |
2020-04-13 |
Memorandum for Acute Care Facilities: N95 Recycling Project; Supply & Fit Testing |
Personal Protective Equipment; Memorandum view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-05-26 |
Poster: Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
Letter Size 8.5x11 | Tabloid Size 11x17 | Poster Size 24x36 |
Vaccine / Immunization; Poster view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-07 |
Goals of Care Designations (GCD) during Pandemic Conditions: Ethical Considerations |
Quality and Healthcare Improvement |
Advance Care Planning view-all |
view-all |
2020-10-27 |
Allied Health Skills to Support COVID-19 across the Continuum |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-15 |
COVID-19 Interim HIV PrEP Testing Guidelines |
Laboratory |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-12-13 |
Laboratory Bulletins & Testing Information from Alberta Precision Labs |
Laboratory view-all |
Laboratory; view-all |
2020-04-17 |
Rapid review response: Comparison of testing characteristics for RT-PCR using different swab methods |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2022-07-21 |
Return to Work Decision Chart for Healthcare Workers |
Human Resources; Guidance; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
Student Placement; view-all |
2020-04-21 |
Prescription Medication Recommendations for Community Patients with COVID-19 |
Guidance view-all |
Community Physicians; view-all |
2021-03-08 |
Rapid response report: Starting or resuming cancer treatment after COVID 19 infection |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Cancer; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-22 |
Midwifery / Midwives
Algorithm / Pathway; Guideance view-all |
Prenatal Neonatal and Postpartum Care; view-all |
2021-03-05 |
Recommendation for N95 Respirators in MRI during COVID-19 Pandemic |
Guidance; Personal Protective Equipment; Respiration view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
PPE; Masks |
2020-04-22 |
Vanch (Procedure/Surgical) Mask Concerns |
ECC; Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Personal Protective Equipment; Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
PPE; IPC; Masks |
2020-04-22 |
Rapid response report: The role of serologic testing for COVID-19 and potential indications |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-25 |
Additional guidance in using RAAPID during COVID-19 Pandemic |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Memorandum; Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-11-24 |
Province-wide Advice for Primary Care |
Primary Care |
Guidance view-all |
Community Physicians; view-all |
2021-01-13 |
COVID-19 Provincial Pandemic Flowsheet – Admission to Acute Care (from ED; Assessment or Observational Unit) |
Primary Care |
Guidance; Algorithm / Pathway view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-10-07 |
Key Points for Ready-to-use Disinfectant Wipes |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-06-23 |
Rapid Review: Risk Prediction Tools in Community |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2024-08-28 |
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Endoscopy |
ECC; Infection Prevention & Control |
Personal Protective Equipment; Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
PPE; IPC; Masks |
2021-01-11 |
COVID-19 FAQ: Personal Protective Equipment for GI Endoscopy |
ECC; Infection Prevention & Control |
Personal Protective Equipment; Frequently Asked Questions; Infection Prevention and Control view-all |
view-all |
PPE; IPC; Masks; FAQ |
2020-07-21 |
Neonatal transport management |
Algorithm / Pathway view-all |
Prenatal Neonatal and Postpartum Care; Clinical Operations; Critical Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2022-09-26 |
Shelter Sites: Guide for Outbreak Prevention & Control |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-27 |
Symptom Management End of Life Care Outside ICU |
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; Palliative and End-of-Life Care; view-all |
2020-04-27 |
PEOLC Provincial Guideline for Treatment Opioid Neurotoxicity |
Guidance view-all |
Opioids; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; Palliative and End-of-Life Care; view-all |
2020-04-27 |
Rapid Response Report: Which COVID-19 patients are safe to discharge from hospital? |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-27 |
Rapid Response Report: Are NSAIDs safe in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2023-06-22 |
Personal Items and Laundry Tip Sheet for Continuing Care Residents Families and Visitors |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Continuing Care; Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2023-06-22 |
Handling Personal Laundry Letter |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2024-12-19 |
Handling; Cleaning and Disinfecting Mobile DI Devices |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-04-28 |
Rural EMS Transport and Transfer Destination Process for Suspected/Confirmed COVID-19 Patients |
Algorithm / Pathway view-all |
EMS; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2020-04-28 |
FAQ: Rural EMS Transport and Transfer Destination Process for Suspected/Confirmed COVID-19 Patients |
Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
EMS; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2020-04-29 |
Advice for Nurse Practitioners Providing Clinical Services at Multiple Sites |
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; Continuing Care; Palliative and End-of-Life Care; Critical Care; OR and Surgical Services; view-all |
2022-03-16 |
Care of the Hospitalized Pediatric Patient with COVID-19 |
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; Critical Care; view-all |
2020-06-02 |
AHS Guidance for Local Authority Evacuation in a COVID-19 Environment |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-30 |
Poster: Recognizing Early Symptoms in Seniors
Poster view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-30 |
COVID-19 Adult Oxygen Therapy Titration Tool
Algorithm / Pathway; Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2020-12-14 |
Using Technology to Connect with Your Loved Ones: Info Sheet | Poster
Guidance; Poster view-all |
view-all |
2020-06-30 |
Rapid Review: Effectiveness of Wearing Masks to Reduce Spread of COVID-19 in the Community
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-04-30 |
Rural AHS Sites Temporarily Move to Appointment-Only Lab Collections |
Alberta Precision Laboratories |
Testing; Laboratory; Memorandum view-all |
view-all |
2020-12-09 |
Opioid Poisoning Response and COVID-19 |
Guidance view-all |
Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; Opioid; view-all |
2020-05-01 |
Coping at Home for Families During COVID-19 |
Learning view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-01 |
NP Reassignment Strategy (COVID Deployment) |
Algorithm / Pathway; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2020-05-01 |
PPE Task Force: Fit Testing Update |
Guidance; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; view-all |
PPE; Masks |
2020-05-01 |
Rapid Review: What asymptomatic groups of individuals should be screened for COVID-19? |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-01 |
Rapid Review: The role of voluntary quarantine / isolation centers in Alberta |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-02 |
COVID-19 and Stigma |
Learning; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-02 |
Mobile Tools to Promote Mental Wellness |
Learning; Guidance; Addiction & Mental Health view-all |
view-all |
amh |
2020-05-02 |
Preventing Suicide |
Guidance; Learning view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-11 |
VTE Prophylaxis for Admitted COVID-19 Patients |
Pharmacy |
Memorandum view-all |
Pharmacy; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-05-04 |
Self-managed Care Client Precautions |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2022-04-19 |
Physicians: Language Line Interpretation Services |
Primary Care |
Translated Resource / Interpretation Service view-all |
Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-05-06 |
Coronavirus Disease & People Living with Dementia |
Guidance view-all |
Community Physicians; Continuing Care; Palliative and End-of-Life Care; view-all |
2022-01-31 |
Use of Mobile Electronic Devices for Virtual Health Patients; e.g.; Telehealth for Outpatients and Inpatients during COVID-19 |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Continuing Care; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2020-12-22 |
Contact and Droplet Precautions for Isolation Rooms for Community Physicians |
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-10-06 |
Environmental Cleaning Guidelines during COVID-19 for Community Physicians and Teams |
Guidance; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-05-08 |
Rapid Review: Recommendations for anti-microbial use for secondary infections in patients with COVID-19 |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-06-19 |
Guidelines for COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention; Control and Management in Work Camps and Work Sites |
Guidance; Environmental Public Health view-all |
Clinical Operations; Work Camps; view-all |
2020-05-08 |
Thrombosis and Coagulopathy Guidance in COVID-19 |
Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Pharmacy; view-all |
2020-07-30 |
Harm Reduction and COVID-19 Printable Handouts:
Patient Instructions; Poster view-all |
Opioid; view-all |
2020-05-08 |
Seniors Wellness in Challenging Times |
Learning view-all |
view-all |
mental health |
2020-05-12 |
Transfer Trauma when Moving to a Facility |
Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
Families; Friends |
2020-05-12 |
Poster: Tips for Compassionate Communication with Deteriorating Patients |
Poster; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Palliative and End-of-Life Care; view-all |
2020-05-13 |
Virtual Completion of Goals of Care Designation (GCD) |
Advance Care Planning view-all |
Continuing Care; Community Physicians; Palliative and End-of-Life Care; view-all |
2020-05-13 |
Changes to Nursing Home PPN |
Human Resources view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-05-13 |
Changes to Nursing Home Operations |
Human Resources; Memorandum view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; Community Physicians; view-all |
2022-02-14 |
Poster: Aerosol Generating Medical Procedures (AGMP) in Progress Sign |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Personal Protective Equipment; Poster view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
IPC; PPE; Masks |
2020-05-14 |
Rapid Review: A clinician's guide to non-respiratory symptoms of COVID-19 |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Respiration; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-07-10 |
Instruction Sheet & Video - Collection & Securing of Throat Swabs in Saline Transport Medium |
Laboratory |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-19 |
Information for Owners/ Operators/Managers: Online portal to submit daily line list of newly symptomatic residents and staff to Public Health for Outbreak Management. |
Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-05-20 |
Rehabilitation Advice Line - Toll-free / Alberta
Memorandum view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
neurological conditions; muscle bone joint; recovering COVID-19; recovery;long covid; long |
2020-05-20 |
Single Site Order FAQs for Student Placements |
Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Student Placement; view-all |
Mental Health; Wellness; FAQ |
2021-10-15 |
Rapid Review: Awake Prone Positioning for Non-intubated Patients |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2020-07-07 |
Physician Resources Infographics
Med Staff |
Guidance view-all |
Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clincal Staff; view-all |
2020-05-22 |
Rapid Review: Rehabilitation Needs for COVID-19 Patients |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Infection Prevention and Control view-all |
Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
SAG; IPC;long covid; long |
2021-09-23 |
Communication Access
Screening; Vaccine / Immunization; Guidance; Respiration view-all |
Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clincal Staff; view-all |
Communication |
2020-05-26 |
Self-care and Communication Strategies for COVID-19 Screening Stations |
Screening; Human Resources view-all |
view-all |
Screening stations; mental health; self-care |
2022-12-19 |
Virtual Health
Continuing Care
Patient Information
Additional Resources
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; Community Physicians; Virtual; view-all |
Screening stations; virtual health; zoom; virtual |
2020-05-26 |
Rapid Review: Singing as a risk for transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-26 |
What Matters to Ventilated Patients |
Guidance; Respiration view-all |
view-all |
2020-05-27 |
COVID-19: The Calgary Zone Story – Calgary Zone PCN Infographic |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
Primary Care Network |
2020-05-27 |
Multi-Faith Resources: Alienation & Separation During a Pandemic |
Learning; Albertans view-all |
view-all |
2020-09-08 |
Supportive Living (SL4/4D) Medication Management:
Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Staff; Continuing Care; Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-05-29 |
Change in ordering Respiratory Pathogen Panel (RPP) and COVID-19 Testing |
Memorandum; Guidance; Respiration view-all |
Laboratory; Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-06-01 |
Resuming Lung Testing Services in Alberta During COVID-19 |
Memorandum; Testing view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Staff; view-all |
2020-06-01 |
Resuming Sleep Testing and Follow-Up Services in Alberta During COVID-19 |
Memorandum; Testing view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Staff; view-all |
2020-06-01 |
Information for Residents & Caregivers Regarding COVID-19 Testing |
Patient Instructions; Testing view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-06-02 |
COVID-19 Expedited Testing |
Assessment; Screening; Testing view-all |
Clinical Operations; Critical Care; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Laboratory; OR and Surgical Services; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-12-21 |
COVID-19 Expanded Testing: ED and UCC
Guidance; Algorithm / Pathway; Assessment; Testing; Screening; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
Prenatal Neonatal and Postpartum Care; Clinical Operations; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-02-23 |
Implementation Strategy: Patient Screening; Symptom Assessment & Monitoring Recommendations for COVID-19
Directive: Communicable Disease (Respiratory Including COVID-19 and ILI) Screening; Assessment; and Monitoring in Acute Care
Assessment; Guidance; Directive; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force; Screening; Respiration view-all |
Clinical Operations; Critical Care; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; OR and Surgical Services; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-06-04 |
Alberta Case Report Form: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) in children and adolescents temporally related to COVID-19 |
Form; Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; Community Physicians; Critical Care; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; EMS; Laboratory; OR and Surgical Services; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
MIS-C; MOH; Medical Officers of Health |
2020-06-04 |
Wellness Together Canada |
Guidance view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2020-06-04 |
Integrating e-Mental Health into Practice |
Guidance view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2020-06-05 |
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Albertans; view-all |
2020-06-11 |
Rapid Review: Risk of Transmission from HVAC Systems |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-06-10 |
PPE Task Force Mask Extender Survey Results |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Guidance; Personal Protective Equipment; Infection Prevention and Control view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
IPC; PPE; Masks |
2020-08-28 |
Guidance for Researchers – Resuming research at AHS facilities |
Memorandum; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2022-02-17 |
Continuing Care Forms
Forms Management |
Screening; Form view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-06-12 |
Rapid Review: Virtual vs In-person Care |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2020-06-12 |
Recall of Leaking COVID-19/Respiratory Virus Transport Media Tubes |
Guidance; Memorandum; Respiration;Testing view-all |
view-all |
2020-06-15 |
Isolation Order Package
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Continuing Care; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2023-10-13 |
Guidance to Help Make Enhanced Masking Work for You |
Guidance; Infection Prevention and Control; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Clinical Operations; view-all |
Masks; PPE; IPC |
2021-01-15 |
PPE Price List for External Providers |
Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
PPE; Masks |
2020-06-17 |
Taking Charge of What You Can: A COVID-19 Toolkit |
Guidance view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
Mental Health |
2023-06-23 |
IPC Recommendations for Emergency Departments/Urgent Care Centres/Maternal Triage Waiting Areas |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Directive; Assessment; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
Emergency Department; IPC |
2022-06-22 |
Effectiveness of Workplace Screening Programs
Scientific Advisory Group |
Screening; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
Research |
2020-06-22 |
COVID-19 Testing and Medical Care in Patients with IBD |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Memorandum; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Staff; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2020-06-23 |
Rapid Review: Safety and Effectiveness of Video Laryngoscopy |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-07-27 |
N95 Respirator Fit Testing for Students and Instructors during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Careers |
Personal Protective Equipment; Respiration; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
students; instructors; PPE |
2020-06-26 |
Resources for Specific Health Conditions |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
Albertans |
2020-06-30 |
Work Camps/Sites Prevention; Preparedness & Management |
Environmental Public Health |
Assessment; Environmental Public Health; Screening view-all |
Work Camps; view-all |
2020-07-02 |
Rapid Review: COVID-19 Models; Scenarios and Thresholds
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-07-06 |
Poster: My Mask Protects You. Your Mask Protects Me.
(also in: Arabic | Blackfoot | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | Formal French | Informal French | Hindi | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya | Vietnamese) |
Poster; Translated Resource / Interpretation Service view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2020-07-08 |
Rapid Review: COVID-19 Screening in Emergency Departments |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Screening; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-07-15 |
Be Prepared in the Time of COVID-19 |
Guidance; Advance Care Planning view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-07-15 |
What If I Get Seriously Ill with COVID-19? |
Guidance; Advance Care Planning view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-07-18 |
Joint Statement: AHS & the Hutterian Safety Council Response to Guide Hutterite Communities Through COVID-19 |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-07-20 |
Youth Resources
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
Youth |
2021-08-12 |
Admissions to Shelters during COVID-19 Outbreaks – Guidance for MOHs |
Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; view-all |
2020-07-21 |
Providing CPR or Rescue Breathing During a Pandemic: Ethical Considerations for Shelter Workers and Volunteers |
Guidance view-all |
Ethics; Clinical Operations; view-all |
2022-10-5 |
Family Support & Visitation of Patients & Residents during COVID-19
Acute Care:
Continuing Care:
Other Resources:
Policy |
Policy; Directive; Screening; Assessment; Form; Poster; Guidance; Translated Resource / Interpretation Service; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
Albertans; Continuing Care; Clinical Operations; Critical Care; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Ethics; OR and Surgical Services; Palliative and End-of-Life Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2022-01-25 |
Respiratory (ILI) Algorithm: Assessing the Need for Additional Precautions |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Frequently Asked Questions; Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Algorithm / Pathway; Assessment; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force; Respiration view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-07-27 |
COVID-19 Transmission in Condominiums and Apartments
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2021-12-24 |
Edmonton Zone – Resources to Maintain Vigilance
Infection Prevention & Control |
Hygiene / Cleaning; Guidance; Memorandum; Personal Protective Equipment; Staff Tips; Infection Prevention and Control view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-07-31 |
Poster: My Mask Protects
Letter Size 8.5x11 | Tabloid Size 11x17
Poster view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2020-08-04 |
Management Strategies for the Wandering COVID-19 Patient in Acute Care |
Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-08-11 |
COVID-19 Asymptomatic Transmission |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2022-07-20 |
Use of Portable Fans and Air Conditioners in Healthcare |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-08-27 |
Cancer Care Alberta’s Cancer Treatment Prioritization Framework for Systemic Therapy; Radiation Therapy; and Supportive Care |
Cancer; Guidance; Learning view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2021-11-29 |
What Risk Factors (Such As Age; Medical Conditions; or Lifestyle Factors) Are Associated With the Development of Severe Outcomes in COVID-19? |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2020-08-21 |
What Role Might Children Play in Community SARS-Cov-2 Transmission? What Measures Might Mitigate Potential Additional Risk of Transmission of COVID-19 Related To School & Daycare Reopening? |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2021-05-21 |
Rapid Brief: Information on Mask Exemptions for Specific Populations |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; view-all |
view-all |
2020-09-15 |
Rapid Review: Self-collection of Testing Samples |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-09-15 |
Rapid Review: Immunosuppression and COVID-19 Risk |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-09-15 |
COVID-19 Translated Resources
(available in: Alexis Nakota Stoney; Amharic; Arabic; Blackfoot; Simplified Chinese; Traditional Chinese; Cree; Dene; French; Low German; Hindi; Nepali; Oromo; Portuguese; Punjabi; Somali; Spanish; Stoney-Nakoda; Tagalog; Tigrinya; Vietnamese) |
Guidance; Translated Resource / Interpretation Service; Poster view-all |
view-all |
2020-09-21 |
Exemption Process - Single-Site Worker Restriction at an Acute Care Outbreak Site Form (#21663) |
Forms |
Form; Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2023-03-31 |
COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Viruses Requisition (#21701) |
Forms |
Form view-all |
Laboratory; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-09-21 |
Tips on the Use of Mask Extenders |
Guidance; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
view-all |
2021-03-01 |
SAG Rapid Evidence Report: Attitudes and Adherence to COVID-19 Guidelines |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2023-10-16 |
IPC Requirements for Contractors During COVID-19 |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Guidance; Infection Prevention and Control view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-10-09 |
Signage & Posters |
Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
view-all |
2020-10-09 |
Aerosol-Generating Medical Procedure Guidance Tool |
Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
view-all |
2022-04-28 |
Isolation Precautions for Adult Patients: Contact and Droplet Isolation Precautions |
Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force; Patient Instructions view-all |
view-all |
2023-12-20 |
Position Statement on Spatial Separation of Patients in Alberta Health Services & Covenant Health |
Acute Care Outbreak Prevention and Management Task Force view-all |
view-all |
2021-01-26 |
Routine and Seasonal Immunization during COVID-19 |
Vaccine / Immunization; Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
faq FAQ |
2020-10-14 |
Poster: COVID-19 Tests: By Appointment Only
Letter Size 8.5x11 | Tabloid Size 11x17 |
Poster view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2020-10-19 |
Poster; Testing; Patient Instructions view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-12-17 |
Events During COVID-19 |
Guidance view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2020-10-28 |
Spiritual Practices
Learning view-all |
view-all |
Mental Health |
2021-12-21 |
Compassionate Exemptions
Guidance; Frequently Asked Questions; Form view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Clinical Operations; Continuing Care; Critical Care; Palliative and End of Life Care; view-all |
faq FAQ |
2022-06-15 |
COVID-19: Close Contacts and Contact Tracing
Guidance; Form view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2020-11-12 |
Stigma & COVID-19 |
School |
Learning; Addiction & Mental Health view-all |
Albertans; Schools and Teachers; view-all |
amh |
2021-10-28 |
Brochure: Knowing Your Risk; Role and Responsibility - For Designated Support Persons
(Know Your Role brochure available in:
Arabic | Blackfoot | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | French | Hindi | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya | Vietnamese)
(Know Your Risk brochure available in:
Arabic | Blackfoot | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | French | Hindi | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya | Vietnamese) |
Guidance; Translated Resource / Interpretation Service view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2020-11-17 |
Rapid Review: Performance and Feasibility of Rapid COVID-19 Tests |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-11-17 |
Rapid Review: Testing Characteristics of Saliva and of Specimens from Asymptomatic Individuals |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-10-20 |
Quick Guide: Resources for Primary Care to Support COVID-19 Care in Communities |
Community Physicians |
Guidance view-all |
Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-11-18 |
Memorandum to North Zone Physicians: Isolation and Testing for COVID-19 |
Community Physicians |
Memorandum view-all |
Community Physicians; view-all |
2022-02-15 |
Processes for Cleaning ED/UCC Patient Spaces (non-isolation) after Discharge |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
view-all |
2022-01-06 |
Provincial PPE Safety Coach Program |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Personal Protective Equipment; Learning view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2020-11-25 |
Poster: COVID-19: Outbreak Measures in Place
Letter Size 8.5x11 | Tabloid Size 11x17
(Available in: Arabic | Blackfoot | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | French | Hindi | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya | Vietnamese) |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Poster; Infection Prevention and Control view-all |
Albertans; Clinical Operations; Critical Care; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; OR and Surgical Services; Palliative and End-of-Life; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
2021-07-15 |
Rapid Review: Chronic Symptoms of COVID-19 |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2022-01-21 |
COVID-19 and Cancer Treatment; Information for Patients & Families |
Cancer Care Alberta |
Cancer; Guidance view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2020-12-02 |
Poster: Safe Carpooling
Letter Size 8.5x11 | Tabloid Size 11x17 |
Poster view-all |
view-all |
2020-12-06 |
Memo: Continuous Use of Eye Protection and COVID-19 Exposure for Healthcare Workers |
Personal Protective Equipment; Memorandum; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2020-12-07 |
Acute Care Guidance for Parents/Guardians Accompanying Children |
Guidance; Memorandum view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2022-05-20 |
Clinical Guidance – Surgical Services during COVID-19
ECC; Infection Prevention & Control |
Assessment; Cancer; Algorithm / Pathway; Frequently Asked Questions; Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Learning; Memorandum; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
OR and Surgical Services; view-all |
2020-12-11 |
Memo: COVID-19 Lab Results Routed to Community Physicians |
Memorandum; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2022-01-20 |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation - Terms of Reference |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2023-09-26 |
COVID-19 Vaccination / Vaccines
Vaccine / Immunization; Policy; Learning; Guidance; Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
temporary preparation; prep station; faq |
2020-12-23 |
Coping with COVID-19: Addiction & Mental Health Resources |
Guidance; Addiction & Mental Health view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
- |
2021-01-22 |
COVID-19 Mental Health Resources |
Guidance view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
- |
2020-12-22 |
Rapid Review: Criteria to Inform Changes to PPE Guidelines |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Personal Protective Equipment; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2020-12-22 |
Home Care Service Interruptions – Client Handout |
Patient Instructions; Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Albertans; Continuing Care; view-all |
2021-01-08 |
COVID-19 SAG Rapid Review: Vitamin D in the Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19 |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2021-11-19 |
COVID-19 SAG Rapid Brief: Screening and Preventing Venous Thromboembolic Events |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Screening; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-01-14 |
Changes to COVID-19 Results Notifications: Patients Now Able to Choose a Pediatrician as Main Provider |
Memorandum view-all |
Community Physicians; view-all |
2021-01-18 |
Post COVID Rehab Taskforce Final Report |
Guidance; Learning view-all |
Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
recovery;long covid; long |
2021-01-18 |
Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Video (9 minutes) |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2021-11-19 |
Infographic: Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prevention and Screening in COVID-19 Patients |
Guidance; Screening; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2021-10-08 |
Rapid Review: Ivermectin in Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19 |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2021-02-17 |
Outbreak Preparedness and Prevention in Specific Populations Checklist |
Infection Prevention and Control; Checklist view-all |
Albertans; Continuing Care; view-all |
2021-03-10 |
Accepted Cleaning Terms and Definitions List |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Assessment; Hygiene / Cleaning view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2021-02-19 |
AHS COVID-19 Case Investigation & Contact Tracing February 2021 |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-02-23 |
Rehabilitation Advice Line Reminder Memo |
Memorandum view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Albertans; Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
Rehab;long covid; long |
2021-02-24 |
Counselling Immunocompromised Individuals on the Use of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
Vaccine / Immunization; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2022-01-24 |
Supporting Guide for the Joint Statement on PPE use during COVID-19 |
Guidance; Infection; Prevention and Control; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-09-27 |
AHS extending PPE ordering option until March 31; 2022 |
Personal Protective Equipment; Memorandum view-all |
Community Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-03-04 |
Nutrition Guideline: Post-COVID-19: Nutrition for Recovery and Rehabilitation (Adults) |
Guidance view-all |
Community Physicians; Nutrition; Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
;long covid; long |
2021-05-06 |
After COVID-19: Information and resources to help you recover (symptom self-management guide) |
Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Albertans; Community Physicians; Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
rehab ;long covid; long |
2021-03-08 |
Rapid Review: Colchicine for Treatment of COVID-19 |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2021-03-10 |
Smoking; Vaping & COVID-19
Guidance; Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2021-03-11 |
Extension of PPE Safety Coach Program to Primary Care Networks |
Personal Protective Equipment; Memorandum view-all |
Community Physicians; view-all |
2021-03-16 |
Prone Positioning of Awake & Alert COVID-19 Adult Patient
Guidance; Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Physicians and Clinical Frontline Staff; view-all |
2023-11-08 |
Commitment to Comfort: Ease Patient Anxiety Before; During & After Immunizations
Vaccine / Immunization; Translated Resource / Interpretation Service; Patient Instructions; Guidance; Poster view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-05-31 |
AHS COVID-19 Vaccine Waste Mitigation Strategy |
Vaccine / Immunization; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-03-23 |
Rapid Review: Double Masking and Improved Mask Fit |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2021-11-02 |
Rapid Review: Post-Vaccination Transmission |
Vaccine / Immunization; Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2021-04-01 |
Rapid Review: Symptoms Predictive of Positive Tests and Duration of Symptoms |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2022-07-08 |
Getting Healthy After COVID-19 |
Guidance view-all |
Albertans; Community Physicians; Nutrition; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
ECC ;long covid; long |
2021-04-20 |
Poster: Screen Online Before Immunization
Letter Size 8.5x11 | Tabloid Size 11x17 |
Vaccine / Immunization; Poster view-all |
view-all |
2022-05-20 |
Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation
Screening; Assessment; Guidance; Form; Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Clinical Operations; Recovery / Rehabilitation; Continuing Care; view-all |
rehab;long covid; long |
2021-05-07 |
FAQ - New Temporary Risk Factor for COVID-19 High Prevalence Areas |
Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2021-05-18 |
Posters: What to Expect with your COVID-19 Immunization
Vaccine / Immunization; Poster view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2021-06-02 |
Update to Temporary Risk Factor for COVID-19 High Prevalence Geographical Areas |
Memorandum view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2021-05-13 |
Rapid Review: Population vaccination strategies for COVID-19 |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-05-13 |
Guidance for the Management of Symptomatic Persons who have Received a Viral Vector COVID-19 Vaccine |
Guidance |
Vaccine / Immunization; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-05-26 |
Assisting Special Needs Clients who have Needle Phobia or Live with Development Challenges to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine |
Vaccine / Immunization; Guidance; Memorandum view-all |
Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2023-08-22 |
Equipment Damage due to Improper Cleaning and Disinfection |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Memorandum view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2021-05-17 |
COVID-19 Client Information |
Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-05-21 |
Rapid Review: Public Health and Health System Impacts of Variants of Concern |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-06-01 |
COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group Rapid Evidence Review Methodology |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-06-01 |
COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group Rapid Evidence Brief Methodology |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-06-18 |
Rehabilitation after COVID-19 – Allied Health Provider Education Series |
Poster view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Recovery / Rehabilitation; Community Physicians; view-all |
long covid; long |
2022-06-13 |
Rehabilitation & Allied Health Practice Considerations Post COVID-19 |
Guidance view-all |
Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
long covid; long |
2023-02-07 |
Recovery & Rehabilitation After COVID-19: Resources for Health Professionals |
Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
long covid; long |
2021-06-09 |
Long COVID Zoom Webinar June 30; 2021 |
Poster; Memorandum view-all |
Clinical Operations; Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
memo;long covid; long |
2021-06-10 |
Poster: Book your Second Dose COVID-19 Immunization (Acute Care) |
Vaccine / Immunization; Poster view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-06-18 |
Alberta Healthy Living COVID-19 Webinars Memo |
Memorandum view-all |
Albertans; Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
AHLP; Rehab;long covid; long |
2021-06-24 |
Scientific Advisory Group Rapid Review- Taxi and Ride-share Safety |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
- |
2024-06-07 |
IPC Management of Severely Immunocompromised COVID-19 Patients |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Directive; Assessment view-all |
Continuing Care; Clinical Operations; Critical Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-07-21 |
Scientific Advisory Group Rapid Review: Management of Post-COVID Conditions
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
2023-06-23 |
Risk Reduction Guidance for Group Therapy and In-person Patient/Family Education
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
2021-08-03 |
FAQ - Long COVID Symptoms or Health Concerns for Providers
(also in: Arabic | Cree | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | French | Hindi | Nepali | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya | Vietnamese) |
Frequently Asked Questions; Translated Resource / Interpretation Service view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Recovery / Rehabilitation; view-all |
FAQ;long covid; long |
2022-07-27 |
Provincial COVID-19 Primary Care Management Pathway
Primary Care; ECC |
Algorithm / Pathway view-all |
Clinical Operations; Community Physicians; Physician and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-09-08 |
Vaccination While Pregnant Information - Public and Providers |
Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Prenatal Neonatal and Postpartum Care; Albertans; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Community Physicians; view-all |
2022-07-08 |
Rapid Review: Vaccine Risk Assessment and Exemption Update |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation view-all |
view-all |
2021-11-24 |
SAG Rapid Evidence Report: Masking Guidance for Healthcare Workers |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-09-16 |
Critical Care Triage Protocol |
Scientific Advisory Group |
ECC; Guidance view-all |
Critical Care; view-all |
2021-09-17 |
Poster: COVID-19 Testing: Vaccine Eligible
Letter Size 8.5x11 | Tabloid Size 11x17 |
Vaccine / Immunization; Poster view-all |
view-all |
2021-09-21 |
Poster: COVID-19 Immunization Records
English (8.5x11) | English (11x17)
(also in: Arabic | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese | French | Hindi | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya | Vietnamese) |
Vaccine / Immunization; Poster view-all |
view-all |
2022-01-13 |
Poster: COVID-19 Testing Criteria
Letter Size 8.5x11 | Tabloid Size 11x17 |
Poster view-all |
view-all |
2021-09-22 |
Poster: COVID-19 Vaccines & Pregnancy
Translated Resource / Interpretation Service; Vaccine / Immunization; Poster view-all |
Prenatal Neonatal and Postpartum Care; Albertans; view-all |
2021-09-29 |
SAG Rapid Evidence Brief: Effectiveness of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions in Reducing COVID-19 Transmission in Communities |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2021-10-18 |
Poster: Long COVID-19 Symptoms
Letter Size 8.5x11 | Tabloid Size 11x17 |
Poster view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
- |
2021-11-09 |
Post-COVID Rehabilitation
Assessment; Screening; Guidance; Frequently Asked Questions view-all |
Continuing Care; view-all |
- |
2021-11-15 |
Supporting Kids During COVID-19 Testing
Infection Prevention & Control |
Guidance; Infection Prevention and Control; Screening; Testing view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-11-26 |
Sotrovimab Orders for COVID-19 Adult - Outpatient |
Forms Management |
Form view-all |
view-all |
- |
2021-12-03 |
Risk Assessment Matrix to Determine MOH Pre-Approval |
Assessment; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2022-04-26 |
Rapid Review: Safety and Effectiveness of Sotrovimab |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2022-09-15 |
Paxlovid / Remdesivir and Evusheld: Outpatient Treatment for COVID-19
ECC; Comms |
Frequently Asked Questions; Guidance; Poster view-all |
Albertans; Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-12-07 |
Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation in Post-Acute & Continuing Care - Frequency of Screening; Assessment & Reassessment Implementation & Resources |
Assessment; Screening; Memorandum view-all |
Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2021-12-17 |
COVID-19 Rapid Review: Post-Infection Immunization |
Scientific Advisory Group |
Vaccine / Immunization; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2023-10-16 |
Algorithm / Pathway; Respiration; Screening; Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; Critical Care; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; OR and Surgical Services; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2021-12-23 |
Poster: Seal Checks for Disposable KN95 Respirators |
Poster; Respiration view-all |
Albertans; Continuing Care; view-all |
- |
2021-12-24 |
Patient Passes Over the Holiday Season |
Memorandum view-all |
Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2025-02-12 |
COVID-19 Guidance for Community Physicians |
Guidance view-all |
Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2022-08-10 |
COVID-19 Return to Work Guidance for Community Physicians |
Guidance; Human Resources; Infection Prevention and Control; Testing; Vaccine / Immunization view-all |
Clinical Operations; Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
2023-12-18 |
Guidance for Surgery After COVID-19 Infection |
Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2022-01-31 |
Recommendations for Pulmonary Function Testing for Long COVID Patients 6 Years Old and Greater |
Guidance view-all |
Clinical Operations; Community Physicians; Continuing Care; Emergency Department and Urgent Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2022-02-04 |
Poster: Alberta Post-COVID Follow-Up Study |
Poster view-all |
Albertans; view-all |
- |
2022-02-11 |
Rapid Evidence Report: Non-invasive ventilation and heated humidified high-flow oxygen therapies for severe COVID-19 |
Guidance; Learning; Respiration; Treatment view-all |
Clinical Operations; Community Physicians; Continuing Care; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2022-03-02 |
COVID-19 Rapid Review: Managing and Preventing Healthcare Provider Burnout |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2022-03-28 |
Poster: COVID-19 Masking Required; Wearing is Caring
Guidance; Personal Protective Equipment; Poster view-all |
view-all |
2022-05-02 |
Visitation Access for Community-Based Spiritual and Religious Care Providers |
Memorandum; Guidance view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2022-07-08 |
Rapid Review: Dose and Duration of Dexamethasone Treatment in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients |
Guidance; Scientific Advisory Group Recommendationview-all |
view-all |
2022-06-20 |
Provincial AHS Guidance: Doulas and Birth Support in AHS Facilities |
Guidanceview-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2022-07-12 |
New Information for Primary Care Providers on COVID-19 Testing Changes |
Comms; Primary Health Care |
Guidance view-all |
Pharmacy; Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2022-07-14 |
New Viral Respiratory Testing Advice for Primary Care Providers |
Comms; Primary Health Care |
Guidance view-all |
Pharmacy; Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2022-07-15 |
COVID-19 Rapid Review: Continuous Masking Policies |
Scientific Advisory Group Recommendation; Guidance view-all |
view-all |
2022-07-26 |
IPOP FAQ for Health Professionals |
Comms |
Frequently Asked Questions; Guidance view-all |
Pharmacy; Community Physicians; Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; view-all |
- |
2024-01-05 |
IPC Cohorting / Overcapacity Guidance
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; Poster; Memorandum view-all |
Physicians and Frontline Clinical Staff; Continuing Care; view-all |
IPC; PPE; hand hygiene; hand sanitizer |
2023-11-23 |
Enhanced masking at AHS Acute Care Facilities FAQ |
Comms |
Frequently Asked Questions; Guidance; view-all |
view-all |
masking |
2023-06-22 |
Decorations, Costumes, Food, Celebrations & Donations Information Sheet |
Infection Prevention & Control |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; view-all |
view-all |
2024-03-06 |
Attending Work with COVID-19 Symptoms Directive FAQ |
Infection Prevention and Control; Guidance; view-all |
view-all |
covid directive; faq |
2023-10-26 |
Use of Masks to Prevent the Transmission of Respiratory Viruses Directive
Infection Prevention and Control; Personal Protective Equipment; Policy view-all |
view-all |
CMO; CMO Updates; cmo; cmo update |
2023-10-12 |
Enhanced Masking at AHS Sites: ahs.ca/masking
Infection Prevention and Control; Personal Protective Equipment view-all |
view-all |
CMO; CMO Updates; cmo; cmo update |